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New World, the name of the game that had recently been developed and released by an unknown person. Anyone who plays it will be transported into the game. It works just like any normal MMORPG games out there only this one have a permanent death system. Now we're not gonna talk about the game, we'll be talking about an NPC.

There was a townsman named Simon. Everyday he will go on about his life wandering around town and get spoken to. He will always say the same thing to everyone that has spoken to him. During certain times like Halloween or Christmas, he will say something different for once. He would also ask adventurers for certain items. But one day, the game that he had lived in was hacked by a an adventurer that became bored with the game. The hacker became the richest and strongest adventurer of all. Because of his hacking, some features in the game had evolved. New monsters were created, new cities were made, and some NPCs have begun developing a moind of their own. Simon was one of them. He was confused, not knowing what had happenned. But suddenly, he wants to do something he never would have thought. It is to eliminate the hacker. It's not only Simon that have that thought, the other adventurers and the new existences had it too. Simon didn't know why but he started thinking and finally he know it was the right thing to do. He then asked the other adventurers to teach him how to fight. No one listened to him because they thought he was weak and can't fight. One person listened to him though, and it was a female adventurer named Alice. She is one of the first 100 players of the game. She is a legend. Simon remembered her when she was just a novice adventurer. Simon was the one assigned to her for tutorial. After reminiscing about old times, they began training. Day by day Simon keeps getting stronger and stronger. Until one day, Alice tells him that he is ready. He equips all of his hard earned equipment and went to join in the war against the hacker. The only thing the hacker can't do, is making himself immortal so there is a chance at beating him. Simon arrived at the battlefield and suddenly, fear engulfed his heart. The hacker had turned himself into a giant monster that is able to destroy an entire army with one slash. He wants to run away but his legs were frozen in place. The hacker made it froze. The hacker bent down to look at Simon more closely. "You are the first NPC to ever come here. Why is it? You want to kill me with those low-level weapons of yours? Don't make me laugh." The hacker raise his hand to the sky and smashes it down to kill Simon. Fortunately, Alice made it in time to shield Simon with her unkown-level shield. "You okay Simon? Sorry I didn't come much earlier." Alice put her shield down and jumped towards the hacker to finish him once an for all. But suddenly, her level plummeted back to 1. She got hit by the hacker and her body disappears into a million pixel. Enraged, Simon summons all of his power and he cast the ultimate magic, 'VOID'. It sucked the hacker into it and sends him somewhere that he can never use his power. Simon's body is now glitching, as if it is about to disappear. Before he disappears, the GM came to him. "You have saved us all, but, the magic you casted will make you disappear. I owe you a lot for saving this game. If there is any final wish you liked me grant, please don't hesitate to say it. "I...I want...I want you to resurrect Alice. But I want you to erase any memory she has of me from her. I don't want her to live in pain knowing that I am no longer there." "If that is your wish, then I will grant it." Simon disappeared from the game forever. Alice got resurrected but she has no memories of Simon. She wondered who were the one that defeated the hacker. She then asks an adventurer about it. The man said a brave warrior named Simon defeated him. She doesn't know why, but tears are forming from her eyes.

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