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When I was younger, I couldn't wait till it was bedtime so my mom would sing me her song. I loved music. I would listen and listen and listen to my heart's content. If I heard it in a shop I would dance around grabbing a hold of my twins hands and twirl him around laughing with him until our mother would scold us for making a ruckus. The two of were inseparable, we both had a huge love for music.

Every other kid would be running with their sketcher shoes that light up with each stomp to the ground, to the big yellow buses, adamant to go home and play with their friends. But, my brother and I would walk home on the crowded sidewalks with people not even sparing a glance to the kids that would sing and dance, or to the kids that would make songs that go in rhythm with the sound of women's high heels that hit the sidewalk, or the busy streets with honking cars and tires skidding to a stop and maybe even sometimes sing and dance in the puddles to the rain that pounds the ground, not caring how dirty or wet our clothes got. Even if people didn't acknowledge us, we didn't care, we just enjoyed our musical bliss.

Our mom would always question us, why we would take so long to get home, or why we would sometimes come home with our clothes completely soaked and a little muddy, my brother and I would just grin at each other, never giving an answer as to why. She would just look at as sternly with her waitress outfit and jacket in her arms, and then look at us with a small, sweet, knowing smile. She knew all the answers to her questions, I think she just always knew what was out there. She knew what lied beyond. She was scared of it. And all too soon, I found out why.

It found us. It took away all I had. It, took away my urge to listen to music, to sing, to dance.

Most girls my age are out, dancing to the beat of my once beloved music, going to movies with their girlfriends, blushing because a guy made them have that euphoric feeling of being loved, doing ALL the things a girl thinks is just any normal day. While I was a lost soul on the run, at the age of 20, not even being able to give a thought to music or second glance at the girls who had that normal life. Only being able to think about what step to take next and where to hide.

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