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"I have something like the mafia on my back. I have to cover my every footstep, because I can't afford to have them find me. They are very, very powerful people. I've never met anyone this powerful. I have been kidnapped many times, but they top the list of- you get my point." I blabber on about my lie. Telling them things that I don't even know if it is valid. Like, is there even a such thing as the mafia?

It's a good thing I have a good poker face, 'cause otherwise I would be screwed.

"Are you gonna keep telling your idiotic story, with things that don't even make sense? Or tell me the truth!" He snaps me out of my blabbering.

Damn. Guess I am screwed.

"No, you know why?"

He sighs, gesturing with one of his hands for me to continue, while the other rubs his face in exhaustion and pure annoyance.

"Because. What. I. Do. Is. None. Of. Your. DAMN. Business." I state sharply.

"Told ya she was crazy." Wren mutters from her seat.

"I suggest you shut your mouth before I find a way to do so myself. Because if you haven't noticed, you people kidnapping me is crazy. Besides we are all crazy here. So shut the-"

"Enough!" Blue eyes stands up abruptly, with his hands in fist at his sides.

He takes prowling steps toward me. His scorching glare at battle with my cold one. He doesn't scare me. Stopping in front of me, he stands there for a few seconds, then he has my neck in his tight grip, face to face with me- eyes still at a raging war. I don't flinch. He won't kill me, he wants information. 

"Try harder." I spit right in his face. He doesn't even wipe it off, just continues to hold my neck in just a tight enough grip to where it hurts a little. He knows what he is doing.

He pulls back, barking orders at Felix to come a

Felix is the first to move from the sitting area, walking up to blue eyes. And I thought that Felix was tall, his height doesn't even compare to blue eyes height. They talk in a harsh whispers. Looking at me every now and then, trying to look discrete. I roll my eyes at them. Not discrete at all. My eyes travel to the seating area where Wren sits typing away on the computer, with a headset on her head, talking like there is no tomorrow. Wonder what she is doing.. I drop that and turn my head to see Miles and Looney tunes chatting  away. They are so carefree, I don't see why they would be so carefree at the moment, they have me to deal with. And all the other people left when blue eyes started asking me questions.

"Am I just gonna sit here while you all have a great conversation?" I try getting their attention. They don't listen.

Why you little.

"Hello! How about we do something." I jump a little. They don't move a muscle from their positions. "I know you guys can hear me. I don't like being ignored, well I doubt you care. But come on!" I jump again.

They finally turn to look at me. I look satisfied that I got their attention, till they turn around and continue their secretive whispers. Nice.

"Wow. Real mature. I've never seen anything so petty. You are the ones who took me off the streets, so I deserve some respect!" I doubt they'll give it to me though. I mean I've seen it all with them. So far.

Someone walked in shortly after me being ignored, holding a small briefcase. What is that? The short and stubby man walked up to blue eyes and started talking to him. I started laughing at what was in front of me. The guy with the briefcase was so short compared to blue eyes he has to look up to talk to him. Everyone turned to look at me, giving me the look of 'what is wrong with you?'. I laughed harder.

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