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That's been the word on my mind for the last hour. And I haven't even stopped. The hope that I got them off my trail is running on a thin string. There is a possibility that if I stop and hide I will be found, but there is also a possibility that I will be safe, at least safe long enough to know they don't know where I have went and decided to take a different route. The hard part is they can smell me. So, I don't know if I should stop and hide, or keep running for the hills. 

Deciding to come to a stop I hide in a back alley, behind a stinky dumpster hoping it will hide my scent. Sitting down leaning against the wall, I take steady breaths trying to calm myself.

This could have been worse.. Right? Yes Rebel! They could have caught me and done what they did to your older brother and mother in front of your eyes! Get a hold of yourself, you are better then this! I scold myself.

Sighing deeply, I take my bag off my shoulders and plop it on the dirty grimy ground in front of me, looking at my surroundings.
I couldn't have picked a nicer alley? I mean I'm sure there is no such thing as a 'nice alley', but really this place is disgusting.

The ground is littered with trash and what I think looks like a dead possum, I don't know and I don't want to find out. There is graffiti of weird crap all over the walls and dumpster right next to me, and the very back I can't even tell what is back there it's so dark down here, the night isn't really giving me much light to go off of though. Probably wasn't the best idea to hide in an alley at night, but I'm desperate!

"What has my life come to? Actually scratch that, what has this world come to?" I mumble, rubbing my eyes of my sleepiness.

"So many things that I thought were myths and was afraid of when I was younger, literally show up on my front door step. And god forbid I get one night of sleep without worrying I will be raped or have spiders crawling over me!-" I ramble on to myself, I can feel and hear my voice getting louder as I talk to myself, not even thinking about how dumb that is.

"Woah slow down there little missy." A deep voice chuckles from the darkness. I jump up pulling my dagger out of my right black combat boot and pointing in the direction I thought I heard the voice.

"Hey! Watch where you point that thing! I don't mean any harm" The man steps from the shadows, allowing me to put a face to the voice. And man he is a looker that's for sure, but that's besides the point, I could get murdered any second and I'm thinking about his looks?

I scoff. "That's what they all say. Now I suggest you move along and stop looking at me like that, before I make it so you won't be able to look at me like that." I threaten the juicy piece of meat in front of me.

"No need for hostility sweetheart, this is my alleyway after all. And everyone knows that. You're lucky I haven't done anything yet. I'm not normally this nice to trespassers" he takes two bold steps towards me.

"Stop right there. You wouldn't touch me. Your bluffing" I gulp. I hope he is bluffing. Would he really touch a women? Would he really stoop that low? Because if he does, I'll give him a run for his money.

"I have before, and I will do it again. What makes you so different as to where you think you don't deserve a beating for trespassing? I mean my name is written all over these brick walls sweetie." As he says the last words I take a look around and see a name that is written all around. Felix. I quickly look back at him, not trusting this beautiful stranger.

Why is someone as gorgeous as him living in a alley anyways?

"Got no response eh? I thought you wouldn't." He chuckles darkly.

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