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"OH! I'll tell you what's going on! This baboon is a freaking idiot, and this hoe-" not really a hoe, but she... ugh. "- won't even give me the time of day. And you Felix, cant to a girl, who mind you, didn't even know it was 'your' alley. Like, what the heck dude? Do you pay rent for that alley? Cause if so I want to see some papers. And... GIVE ME SOME ANSWERS NOW." I gasp for air after I'm finished with my rant.

"Hoe? Who are you calling-" she doesn't finish her sentence cause mister 'this is my alleyway' cuts her off.

"Stop Wren." He holds his hand up to her face. She scoffs, like the little princess she is. I already don't think I like this chick.

"Look. You'll get your answers spunky, you just have to be patient. That's life." Oh I'll show him what it's like to not have a life after I'm done with him.

"Piss off. I don't even know why I'm here. I was just in the wrong place and the wrong time."

"Well, then... it's really your fault then." Looney tunes speaks up finally. I forgot this guy was even here.

"I suggest you shut your trap bef-"
And I'm cut off.

"Stop. You are digging yourself a deeper hole spunky." Felix says walking towards me.

"Well. I mean I'm probably gonna need the hole. I don't know what you are gonna do to me." I snap back. "So... is it six feet yet, can I design my headstone before I die?"

He chuckles shaking his head, sitting next to looney tunes.

"Felix. We need to talk. Privately." Ho-ho speaks up.

"About what?" He sighs rubbing his jaw.

"About. Blue." What the heck is 'blue'?

"What kind of code name is 'blue'?" I speak up my thoughts.

"A code name." She snaps

"Sounds dumb.." I mutter

"Ugh! It's code name for you! You annoying little brat." she looks a little mad. Or a lot.

"Why blue? I don't have anything blue on..." I look down at my black hoodie and plain-Jane black pants and the normal black combat boots, confirming my statement.
I choose to wear all black because, it's easier to hide at night when they come looking.

"Your eyes! Gosh! Do you ever look in a mirror? Wait. Don't answer that, it's clear you don't." This son-of-a-female-dog!

"Considering, I've been run- going on a little road trip, I haven't really had the time to look in a mirror. So. Shut the heck up." I know my slip up doesn't go unnoticed by Felix. In fact he looks in deep thought about what I just said, with his eyebrows furrowed. No one else noticed, at least I don't think.


"Whatever. Felix? Can we discuss this now?" She looks over to him looking all business now. Man she seems like a good business women.

"Whatever you have to say, can be said in front of me. Don't worry, it will all be safe with me." I wink.

She shoots daggers at me with those creepy eyes. I shiver.

"Hey! Hey! No need to get mad." I try holding my hands up in my defense, but am held back by the ropes around my wrist. I frown looking at my hands.

She smirks, and looks victorious. She hasn't won nothing yet! Okay.. maybe she kinda has, I am tied up against my will.

"Wren. Let's just go." Felix stands up, sighing and rubbing the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

Good. I hope he is regretting taking me!

What lies beyondOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora