The Ride Home

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*Luke's P.O.V*

I was not expecting to meet Christina this evening or, for that matter, at anytime. It shocked me to see her in the store or even in the packs territory and, when I looked down at Tori and saw her sad heart broken face, it hurt me.

My wolf growled angerly at me for making our mate feel this way.

It broke my heart to see she so hurt.

When she pulled away from me I couldn't react. Every part of me yearned for her, for Tori to be close to me again, but I couldn't force myself to bring her back to me.

What if I would hurt her even more? So I watched her rush away from me.

I looked up at Christina who was staring daggers at my mate and I was about to loose my temper. "What do you want?" I said coldly.

"Relax babe, I was just saving you from that mess of a girl. I mean just look at your shirt it's covered in eggs, " she exclaimed gesturing towards my shirt. Looking down at my shirt I saw that it was covered in yoke and smash egg shells. How could I have missed that? Then my mind went back to Chritina's words and anger erupted through me, with that my wolf took control.

"Don't you dare speak about about my mate like that!" She shrunk a bit and looked up at me as fear swept across her face. I've never soken to Christina like this before and it was a bit of a shock to me as well to see how she reacted but, her feelings didn't matter to me anymore. She was no longer what my heart wanted.

"Sorry Alpha," she said with a slight tremble in her voice.

"Jason lets go." I said turing to Jason and I started to walk in the direction at which our mates fled.

"Right behind ya," he said with a smile on his face which was most likely there because of the way I spoke to Christina.

You see, Christina and Jason never reallly got along. They only put up with each other because of me and now that Christina and I are no longer dating, Jason has taken it upon himself to make Christina's life a little bit harder. I'm fine with his behavior towards Christina.

She was never really a good girl friend anyway. She always hung out with other guys and always complained. I mean yes she is beautiful but, she has the worst attitude on the face of the planet. She would become really jealous and possesive at times even when I talked to my sister Kailee.

When Christina told me she would be moving it was like a wieght was lifted off of my shoulders. That was three years ago. I woulder why she came back?

When me and Jason reached the parking lot our mates were no where in sight. My wolf let out a little whimper. Life was going to be hard for us if we didn't have our mate. Me and Jason got into the car and tried to track our mate's scents.

*Tori's P.O.V.*

We were stopped at a stop light. "Well that was odd." Kacy said, probably referring to the grocery store insistent or, about the man who was right outside Kacy's window sitting on a bench. He had just stopped running to take off his socks and shoes.

Why would you want to take off your socks let alone your shoes? The pavement is hotter then hades and you want to go running around barefoot? It's the middle of the summer the pavment is bound to be hot! Whelp, I guess they're his feet and he could do what he pleases with them. This town is so weird. The light finally turned green and the man got up and started running again.

"I wonder where he is going?" I told Kacy. "Yeah me too. he looks miserable just running around on the fiery pavement." We watched the man go out of sight when a car started honking behind us. Oh my gosh I forgot the light turned green.

Kacy looked back at the car behind us and inside was a big burley man who looked to be in his late 50s and had a look on his face that said 'nobody messes with me'. He was driving a pink Beatle bug volts wagon.

He had decorated the sides of the car with flames and even put a little flag on the antenna that said, "I love my car." I stepped on the gas as laughter poured out of Kacy and I. Ok this town is defiantly strange. We had finally made it to my house.

We walked into the house to see my brother, Brennon, sitting on the kitchen island with a can of whipped cream in his hand. I could see that he had been eating it straight from the can because he had whipped cream all over his face and shirt.

Brennon looked like me well at least the color of his hair does but his eyes were a soft brown, like my mom's.

"Hey Kacy. Hey Tori. Did you guys bring home milk?"

"Yep." Kacy said tossing the milk over to my brother.

"Awesome," he said jumping off of the counter, "now I can have some cereal! Did you guys get any eggs?" Brennon said, while opening the cabinets and grabbing the box of captain crunch.

My face began to heat up just thinking about my embracing run in with the gorgeous stranger.

"Ok then. Judging by Tori's face I take that as a no." Brennon said as he pulled a bowl out of the cabinet and placed on to the counter top.

"Tori ruined an entire carton of eggs by crushing them into some cute guys chest," Kacy explained.

Brennon broke out into a fit of laughter. "Really? That's gold." he said clutching his stomach. "How did he react?" Brennon asked as curiosity cloaked his voice.

"He didn't really do anything actually," Kacy stated. "He kind of just stood there and stared at Tori the whole time. Kind of like nothing else really mattered to him. I would even go as far to say that he never noticed the egg fiasco."

That's true he never did pay much attention to any thing else but me. Well, except for that pretty dark haired girl.

Who was she? And how did they know each other? No doubt they used to date. Given their reactions towards one another, you could tell they had a history. I wonder what he thinks of her... wait. Why do I even care? He is just some boy I met today.

I focused back into Kacy's and my brother's conversation.

"Obviously Spider-Man is the best Brennon! Get your head into the game. The boy is as sneaky as a fox and isn't all showboaty with his gifts."

"What ever Kacy get your Marvel crap out of here! D.C. is better and you know it." Brennon said with a mouth full of cereal.

"What the hell is a D.C.?" Kacy says with a puzzled look on her face.

Brennon gasps, "what did you just say?," he said cereal falling out of his mouth with every word. Eww boys are so gross.

Kacy just stares at him with a perplexed look all over her face. "What? Brennon quit staring at me like that. It's starting to freak me out."

If there is one thing for certain about Brennon it's that he does not take comic books lightly.

"Apparently Kacy, you were shielded from the awesomeness that is Super Man! How on earth did you survive!" He said throwing his hands up into the air.

"What's the big deal? My mind is perfectly fine not knowing about this Supper Dude." Kacy looked serious and, a little offended that Brennon would bash on what she has seen.

"WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL!" Brennon struggled to get the words out for about two minutes. Kacy and I just watched as his face reddened. It was actually kind of cute how much he cared.

"Awwww he looks kind of cute." Kacy said to me as we stood there and watched my brother have his emotional break down moment.

He finally regained control and stepped away from his bowl of cereal.

"This is unacceptable," he said taking Kacy's hand and dragging her to the living room. "We are watching the Super Man movies right now and you don't have a say in it," Brennon exclaimed, pointing his finger at Kacy who was about to open her mouth in protest, but seeing Brennon was so passionate about this she wisely shut her mouth.

As Brennon put in the movie, I decided that I would change my clothes and go for a run seeing as I've already seen all of them a dozen times.

I ran up the stairs and into my room. I walked to my closet on the far side of my room and pulled out a pair of yoga paints and a blue tank top. I went to the bathroom that was across the hall from my room and changed my clothes.

Pulling my hair up into a pony tail, I jogged down the stairs and popped my head into the living room.

"Hey guys, I'm going for a run and, Kacy you might want to call your house and tell your parents you are staying here for the night. Those movies are long and there are a lot of them."

Kacy gives me the 'kill me now' face and says, "ok, Brennon just give me a second so I can call my mum."

I walked out the front door into the warm summer evening. The hot air was finally cooling down and it felt nice brushing against my face.

I began to run into the direction that would take me out of my neighborhood and into town.

I know nothing happened in this chapter but, the next one will be better. Please vote and comment I want to know what you think.

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