Oh no

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*Tori's P.O.V.*

I left Luke on my front porch and walked into my house. I shut the door and slid down it so that I was now sitting on the floor with my knees raised to my chest.

I finally see how Miley felt when she kissed Jake in Hannah Montana. I heard foot steps and something moved in front of me, but I was so focused on day dreaming that I never noticed what it was, until I heard a familiar voice say, "Hey Button." I snap out of my daze to see my father standing there just staring at me with a huge grin on his face.

"Daddy..." I say in shock. it's been nearly four years sense I've seen him. He never tried to keep in contact with me or Brennon, so I just assumed that he moved on not wanting any thing to do with us anymore.

"Not trying to sound rude or ungrateful, but... Why are you here?" I ask turning my head to the side in confusion.

He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, "well I-I just figured that I should start being more apart of my children's lives, that's all," he said giving me a look of desperation.

I crease my eyebrows at him. Why?... Why now, does he decide to involve himself in my life again? I needed a father four years ago, when I first entered the crazy messed up years of high school.

But, he chose to leave before I entered stepped foot into the building. At least I had him through middle school, sort of. He was really distant then too.

"Does mom know you're here?" I ask ignoring his plea of desperation.

"Yes," he answered, "Why are you on the floor? And, did I just see a boy out there with you?, My father asks as he basically jabs his figure in the direction of the door behind me, "Did he hurt you?"

I heard a growl come from the other side the door.

Well crap, I thought to myself. Not only is my very distant father trying to move him way back into my world, but now he knows about the one boy I actually like for a change. And now, he has a grudge against the boy with out ever meeting him.

"Yes, there is a boy on the front porch, and no he did not hurt me and nor do i think he ever will." I said, so that Luke will calm down picking myself up from the floor I hurried away. At least I'm a really good speed walker cause his attempts to grab hold if my arm fail miserably.

"Tori, wait I'm not done talking to you," dad yelled after me.

I ran up the stairs and into my bed room, where I was met by a really bored Brennon and my panicked looking mother.

"Hi guys," I said to them as I shut the door behind me. "What are you all doing in my room," I took a seat on my bed between the two of them.

"This is the one room in the house that dad hasn't thought to check yet." Brennon stated, turning his head towards me.

"I can't believe he is here," my mother whispered to herself. Brennon and I exchanged sad looks. Out of the three of us mom was the most hurt by my father's decision to leave. She cried for hours on end, and just when she is finally able to move on he reappears and messes things up again.

"Guys really, I need to talk to you all, so please just give me a chance," I hear my dad say from behind my door.

Brennon decided that he what be the one to confront dad and got up from my bed. He walked to the door and open it slightly, like in the movies when people feel like keeping their distance. It was a Count Olaf moment as Brennon stared out our dad with one eye. 

"Yes Father...?" Brennon asks.

"Brennon son, will you let me in i need to speak with all of you," My father some what begs.

Brennon turns to mom and I and raises his eyebrow as if to ask for permission. I look towards mom and she nods her head telling Brennon to let dad in. Dad walks into the room and looks at the three of us. We were sitting there patiently for like three minutes waiting for dad to say what he needed so badly to get out. 

"Yes Travis...?" my mother pushes. Dad looked so lost trying to find the words to say to us. The words that we have long waited to here come out of his mouth. 

"I'm sorry," he breathed. 

"Sorry for what...?" I urged him to keep going. This is a turning point in our father's relationship with us because never before has he said the words 'I'm sorry' in all of the years that we have known him.

"Tori, do I really need to say it..?" he asked a little bit irritated. 

"It's ok dad you didn't mean to spill my milk when I was eight, I forgive you" Brennon states sincerely, knowing full well that that's not what dad means.  

My father ran his hands down his face, "I'm sorry for leaving the three of you. I should have given you an explanation because you deserve better than what I offered. Will you forgive me and let me try to be the person you need me to be?," he asks looking between us.  

"Wow, never thought I would ever hear those words come out of your mouth," my mother said looking shocked. Dad just stared at her as a grin began to form on his face. As he gave he his drop dead most charming look, I thought mom was going to cave as he said, "Really, does that mean you've forgiven me and you'll let me back in?" he asks her.

 Brennon and I looked at her just waiting for her to say the magic words 'that he could stay', but there was something about her body language that said other wise. 

Mom sat up straight with her legs cross looking oh so proper and looked dad dead in the eyes, "I don't think I'm ready to let you back in yet", Boom! My mouth fell open, and by the looks of it dad and Brennon's did too. 

"Now Travis if you would please leave my house until I have a reason to expect you and back in again," mom said still sitting tall.

Dad quickly shut his mouth and said, "I understand Jenna. Sorry to inconvenience you. I'll just be going now," he said turning around and walking out my bedroom door. We followed him to the top of the stair just waiting for him to snap, but he didn't. Dad made it to the front door and turned around, looking back at us he waved and left the house shutting the front door behind him. 

"Way to go Mom!" Brennon yelled rapping him arms around her. "I didn't think you had it in you, denying dad like that."

"Yes, well nor did I" she stated a little shocked herself, "Now, who wants to watch a movie?" mom asks looking between Brennon and I. 

"I do!" Brennon says jumping up and down with joy, "Can we watch Super Man," he said with big hopeful eyes. 

I sighed, "Fine, I'll go get the popcorn," I shrug walking down the stairs.

"Yes!," Brennon jumps up into the air and does a fist pump, "I love you guys!"

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