Chapter 14

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Soda's POV:
Me, Steve, twobit, Dally Pony and Johnny sat in the waiting room at the hospital. How can she be in labor if shes like 7 months pregnant? I don't know....
"Hey sodie!"
I turned around and saw Emily "O-oh hey ya been?"
"Better now that Im with you sodie." She said with a wink.
Man do I hate that nickname..."oh haha. You're so funny Em."
"See you around" she mumbled seductively, touching my arm as she left.
The door burst open and we all looked up to see darry, wide eyed and red faced.
"you" darry said, pointing to all of the gang, "in here, now."
We followed him in and one by one our jaws dropped. A very tired and pale Delilah gave us a half smile and she handed me her new son. Then she handed Pony her new daughter. Then she handed Dally her other new son.
"Triplets?" I asked.
"mhm," she replied, "James, William, and Mary."
Darry looked like he was going to faint and I couldn't help but laugh. Delilah however didn't find it as funny as me and took James out of my hands so I wouldn't drop him.
"alright, everyone, you are free to go when you've gathered your things and Mrs. Curtis has regained her strength. Unexpected triplets, born two months early is a lot to ask a woman. Please remember to be respectful of the other patients, and congratulations."

Delilah's POV
We drove home and I put our new additions to the family on my bed. Turning, darry caught me around the waist and pulled me as close as he could without hurting me. "I love you Delilah." He said looking deep into my eyes.
He still made my heart and my stomach melt "I love you too Darry, forever and always."

The end

We Ain't Goin' To Fight Anymore-A Darry Curtis Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now