Chapter 2: Goodbye Forever

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Reader's POV

I just finished another class filled day at school when I got the call, the call that changed my life. Not in a good way.

"Is this (Reader?)", A voice which sounded like a paramedic asked

"Yes?" I replied concerned

"I'm so sorry to tell you this, your parents were killed in a head-on collision. We need you to come to the hospital to confirm the bodies. Where are you?"

I nearly dropped my phone in shock, instead, I started sobbing quietly. I made my way to a back wall, trying to hold back my tears. Everything I had in me to keep myself together broke down as I balled my eyes out, crying as loud as my lungs could force me. Whatever voice remained inside me had no strength left to speak.

"I-I'm at my high school."

"Arrangements have been made to pick you up." The paramedic replied

"Once again, I am deeply sorry for your loss", said the paramedic before she hung up

My whole world was torn down by a phone call and some dumbass driver!


I nearly took everything out of my backpack and trashed all my stuff. An ambulance pulled up next to me.

"Are you (Reader?)"

"Yes," I said looking up, tears still fogging up my vision

I soon recognized her voice, it was the same paramedic.

My knees didn't want to lift me, but I forced them to as I walked to the ambulance, getting in the back. The one paramedic got out and joined me in the back while the other took the wheel.

She immediately hugged me, which seemed odd.

"Again, I'm sorry that I had to tell you this, I can't imagine the grief you're feeling right now. I wouldn't wish this pain on my worst enemy."

I hugged her tighter.

"Jenny," She said

"(Reader)," I replied

"Do you have any other family to stay with?" Jenny asked

"Not here, no."

"Where then?"

"My parents used to tell me about this cousin I have and his father that live in Paris. Name's Adrien, Adrien Agreste."

"Do you have their contact information?"


My heart dropped again

This whole time, Jenny never let go of me, I didn't want to. When we soon separated, her facial expression changed to one that seemed to recognize me.

"Have......have I seen you before?" I asked

"You don't remember, but I've seen you before. Two years ago when your Mother collapsed, I saved her life."

She paused.

"I only wish I could do it a second time." She said trying to be strong

My weak arms pulled her closer to me as we jostled around in the ambulance.

Making at least 4 more turns, we arrived at the hospital.

"You're gonna have to carry me there, because I can't walk another step," I said stricken with tears

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