Chapter 2: War

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Stupid alarm clock...

'Beep' win... I'll get up early today....

It was officially the second day of school and Sakura had already made two enemies and three friends. Not a bad start...I think...

She got up and got dressed in her school's uniform which consisted of a black collared sleeveless one-piece dress that went up to her knee, a colored ribbon that all female students were required to wear on their arm indicating which grade they're in, and a really long coat. For girls in Sakura's grade, they had to wear a red ribbon everyday while men wore a blue one.

As she went down the stairs, she buttoned the pins from the top to the middle of her coat and left the rest free. Then she ate her breakfast and fed Yuki.

"I need to prepare for the worst today Yuki." She told the cat. "You know why? It's because of the school's bully, Uchiha Sasuke. That jerk and I have waged war. God, he's cute though...such a waste. Anyways, even if he's cute I won't let that factor hinder my way. Bye baby, wish me luck!"

Since she woke up on time today she walked to school at a normal pace. The feeling of not needing to rush was nice. Too bad she loved sleeping so much. A girl needs her beauty sleep you know. Still...the morning air was nice and she tried enjoying it as much as she could.

It seemed like everything was going fine until she was two blocks away from school. Just as she was about to figure out a plan to demolish Sasuke, she heard the engine of a motorcycle behind her. Turning around to see who it was, she immediately recognized Sasuke due to the way he dressed.

He wore his uniform in an ever so rebellious way and a black helmet covered his head so she couldn't see his face which annoyed her because for all she knew, he could be sticking his tongue out at her. But what annoyed her even more was the fact that Sasuke was riding an expensive-looking black motorcycle.

Talk about being a show-off...

Sasuke rode smoothly in a cool fashion and stopped beside her. He then pulled off his helmet and revealed a mocking smirk.

"I suppose you got a license to drive huh." She said thoughtfully, pretending not to be interested in him or his bike. However, she couldn't help but admire the sleek automobile since she had always been a mecha-junkie.

"I'm 17 aren't I?" Sasuke replied coolly. "Surprised? Jealous?"

"Idiot." She snapped. Yes, she was hella jealous of him. He could fricken drive! But no way was she going to let him know. "Hmph, to see you riding that thing is rather amusing than surprising. You know why? Because you look like a really rich egotistical show-off that's super snobby, spoiled, and not to mention VERY bastard-like!"

"Heh I know I'm a rich bastard. Thanks for reminding me, but as for the snobby and spoiled might want to reconsider... Anyways, better watch that tongue of yours Haruno. Or else...something bad may happen." Sasuke warned playfully and placed his helmet back on before riding off to school.

"We'll see." She shouted out and continued walking. That bastard thinks he's a know-it-all...well I'll show him...She didn't really have a plan yet but she was sure she was going to win.

It wasn't until a few minutes later when she arrived to the classroom and before she knew it, Hinata, Katie, and Tenten immediately rushed towards her and trapped her in a corner.

"R-Rumors are going around the school S-Sakura. It seems like you and Sasuke have waged war against each other!" Hinata stuttered nervously.

"...So? I can handle him." Sakura answered confidently.

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