Chapter 18: Girl Power

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Chapter 18- Girl Power!

A soccer ball flew in the air and made contact with a person's feet that belonged to Naruto. He ran across the field and kicked it to Sasuke as Tenten ran for it. It was girls against boys; Sakura, Hinata, and Tenten vs. Sasuke, Naruto, and Neji.

Neji and Hinata were goalies while the others are offense. It was a pretty uneven team since Sakura and Hinata weren't soccer players, but they'll manage somehow. After all they are girls, and you can't contradict with girl power.

They decided to play a game of soccer on a bored, hot summer morning in mid July. And right now the score was 8-7 for the boys.

"Sakura-chan go get Sasuke! He's coming towards you!" Tenten shouted a warning and checked Naruto in place preventing him from doing anymore soccer moves.

Sakura didn't know what to do; she wasn't a soccer player like Tenten but a volleyball player. How the heck is she going to steal the ball from her boyfriend that is talented in every single sport?

She thought frantically and an idea clicked to her. Her lips formed into a smirk and got ready to face Sasuke. What will he chose?

Sasuke saw the evil smirk on her lips and wondered what she had in mind, its not like he's scared or anything.

Instead of running to him for the ball, Sakura ran towards the goal post where Hinata is. Tenten, Naruto, and Neji just stood there, curiously observing her actions.

Sasuke got closer to the opposite end and got ready to kick but stopped right in the middle. Sakura was right in front of the net which means if he kicks the ball, the ball will hit her, and couples just don't do that. (AN: The net is small, mind you.)

That sly dummy! Sasuke cursed in his mind.

It was a no win situation, if he hurt her then he is dead meat! I mean literally dead. And if he doesn't score the goal they will lose the game, which is bad for a boy. It was a no win situation.

Sakura's smirk grew wider as Tenten quickly dashed forward and stole the ball from the distracted Uchiha. Regaining his composure he chased after her but got pulled back, because Sakura had wildly jumped on his back to stop him.

Go girl Power!

Girls will always triumph in the end! (Sorry guys.)

"Ahh!" Sasuke gave out a cry.

"Ha! You're not getting away this easily! Although I have to give you credit for not kicking the ball, smart move. You would've been soo dead if you did!" Sakura commented, clinging on him tightly.

"Foul! This is such a foul! Get off Sakura!" Sasuke growled. After many attempts of trying to pry her off, he finally gave up. When did girls became so "Clingy"? He decided to try a little reverse psychology to see if it will work, and sure enough it did.

"Hey, put me down! PUT ME DOWN!" Sakura screamed trying to push him away from her.

"I thought you want to cling to me and hug me forever!" He teased, adding a little spice of sarcasm to it.

"Why you little....JERK"

1 or 2 hours later...12 o-clock or 1 o-clock later....

The girls won in the end due to the fact that men just can't hurt women. They sighed as the girls cheered in triumph.

"Let's go shopping Sasuke!" Sakura chirped. The others had left to do their business and the only people left were Sakura and Sasuke.

"No way am I going to go shopping!" Sasuke rejected.

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