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*The Next Day*

Kayla POV:
"Kayla, come down for breakfast! You're going to be late for school!" My mom yelled, just as I was rolling out of bed. "Coming!" I yelled back, as I started to get into the shower. I quickly showered, but on a t-shirt that said 'Give me some space', and had an alien on it, some white low cut converse, a plaid hoodie, some black skinny jeans, and a beanie. And just as I made my way down the stairs into the kitchen, I heard "I'm home!". Wait. Was that the devil herself? What was she doing home? Everyone started to make their way to the front door, hugging Demi and telling her how fantastic she was. Instead, I decided that I should eat my breakfast. I grabbed a few pancakes off the stack and drizzled them with syrup.
  Sadly just as I was about to finish, my mom and Demi came in. Mom ushered Demi to have some pancakes, and as she grabbed some she barely made any eye contact with me. The only eye contact she made was when she was looking for the syrup. I quickly grabbed my backpack off the counter and left without saying any goodbyes. I locked the front door and texted Dallas a goodbye. She was the only one in the family, besides my parents that cared about me. Unluckily when I closed the door, I heard Demi say that I was such a rude child.
She wasn't any better than me. She could have at least waved, and then I might've returned the favor with a nod or something. But obviously, she didn't need me in her life, when she had Dallas, Maddie, her boyfriend Wilmer, and my mom and dad.
   I groaned and went onto my secret Twitter account that no one knew of. It was a Demi fan account. Yea, yea. I hate her, but the least likely thing my account would be of would be her. Demi even follows me, haha. If only she knew who I actually was, then she'd despise me. I'm not doing too bad on Twitter, I have 100K followers, and I go by the name of Zoe. There's this one girl that intrigues me, her name is December. She's in the fandom, and obviously likes Demi. But the one thing that intrigues is that she won't give anyone her number. Everyone in the fandom with over 50K followers has a group chat on iMessage. But she only DM's, and not to a single person gives out her email or number. That's what makes her interesting. Everyone gives out their numbers, but she doesn't.
She's different and intriguing.
Remember you're beautiful just the way you are.
Twitter: Suggxballinger
Instagram: suggthemonkey

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