Chapter 7

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----- Bailey's POV----

As Jace helps me into my shirt and jacket I come across my badge.
"What's that?" Jace asks.
"Police badge. Since I was not able to really kill demons. Helping other people would have to do until I get back to killing demons. Where are my weapons by the way?" I ask my brother at the end.
"Your weapons are still in your bag. And I found this in your pocket." Jace says pointing to a corner of the room. Then holding out the double sided seraph blade.
"I was always wondering what really happened to it. I knew dad give it to you but I wasn't sure what happened to it after everyone thought you were died." Jace says as I start twirling my blade around. I almost always preferred this blade over any other weapon when I am fighting demons.
"Come let's go." I say and start walking towards the bedroom door.
It is not the most pleasant thing to walk right now with the alpha bite that is till healing. I am sure they can see it on my face to.
"I know where the cup is." That is what I am hearing Clary say as Jace helps me walk slightly painfully into the living room.
"Come again." Jace says as he is holding onto me by the waist.
"It's the tarot cards. Jocelyn told me a few days before you birthday. Told me she wanted you to figure it out yourself." I say from the side of Jace. Me, Magnus, and Jace all look at each other not exactly happy about it.
"What? Why aren't you guys happy about this? All we have to do is find the-. Dot." Clary saying. Then coming to the realization that Dot hid them somewhere.
"If Valentine started creating shadowhunters or gain control of demons it would be like Beyoncé riding on a dinosaur through Time square." I say be a little bit sarcastic. While moving my hands around at the same time.
"Opening the gates of bell that's a little more tricky." Magnus says looking Clary directly in the eye and almost bowing for a second.
"Valentine doesn't have the cards. I do. They are in my desk back at the station. When Clary and Bailey went missing I went back to the loft and cleared stuff out." Luke say as he comes out from a different room.
"Well that's great. It should be easy." Clary say. That is almost never true. And I mean almost never. Magnus does a mixture of a groan, a scoff, eye roll, and head roll all mixed up into one.
"That's what general custard said." Magnus say with a big sigh as he plops his butt down into a chair.
"Magnus is right. Valentine has spies everyone. Even in the NYPD. we have to be discrete." I say after letting go of Jace's waist.
"We will go in the morning." Luke says.

The next morning we all walk up to the front of the NYPD. Me and Luke with our badges on our belts
"Cards on my desk should not take long." Luke says. Jace starts to move forward.
"Alright." My brother says quietly.
"Woah. Woah. Woah." Luke says and stops Jace before he can even take a step.
"It will be easier to avoid unnecessary attention if I do this alone. Bailey is just staying here to make sure your out of trouble. And to so if you do get in trouble that she can get you out of it." Luke says looking Jace straight in the eye.
"We will wait here." I say. I signal for Luke to go in.
"Sounds boring anyway." Jace says. I scoff.
"Are you making fun of my job?" I question my brother teasingly.
"No. I am not. Just saying that your job sounds kind of boring." Jace says with a smirk thinking he won.
"It is actually more fun then you think it is. For one you get a gun." I say gesturing to the gun that is secured to my thigh by a holster.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Clary says.
"You have a bad feeling about everything." I snap back at her.
"One way to find out. Go in see for yourselves." Jace say leaning against a car.
"Luke told me to keep you two out of trouble. That's what I am going to do." I say to both of them.
"That's probably him now." Clary says as her phone rings. Me and Jace both look up to see Luke walking through the window sky bridge thing. Being escorted by a few other officers.
"Just so I am clear. He did mention something about avoiding attention right?" Jace asks. Both of us still looking at Luke walking by.
"By the looks of it he is doing terrible job." I say as I watch Luke walk away.
"Circle members?" I hear Clary ask quietly as I zoom in with a farsighted rune that I had traced a while ago..
"No mundanes." Jace says to her. Eyes still drawn to the badge.
"Luke had his change. Let's go." I say leading them into the building. Knowing exactly where to go. Going to see Luke to see what is going on.

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