Pancakes and a Bottle of Vodka

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This is idea one, it's RusCan one of my favorite ships. Please tell me if this should be an actual book, if so then this is the title of the book. Note that I do play hokey, that's why I know these terms. Please don't kill me if I screw one thing up though, everyone makes mistakes. My French is pretty bad, so suffer through with me. I had a little help from my teacher/Google. If possible listen to New soul remix while reading. Otherwise that's it Thanks -Glassy

Mathew Williams looked at the Canadian flag hanging on the opposite wall along with his hokey sticks. The flag reminded him that he was from Canada. He no longer lives there though, considering he was adopted by Francis Bonnofoy who was the most flirtatious Frenchmen Matt had ever met. Why he was chosen over the other orphans mystified him, even when now as a 17 year old varsity hokey player.

Matthew smiled to himself as he pushed off his bed. Walking out of his bedroom as he pulled on a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey. Down in the kitchen Francis, or as Matthew addressed him Papa, stood in the kitchen making Matt's favorite food, pancakes.

He set the already made pancakes on the table, along with the bottle of real maple syrup (fuck that fake shit). Matthew sat down shoveling the delicious food into his mouth. His violet blue eyes shining as he ate them. At least Francis could cook unlike, his friend Alfred's father, Arthur. The british gentlemen could burn anything and has burned practically everything. Hell Matthew saw him burn a glass of milk.

Francis sat across from Matthew, he took a sip from his red wine. Matthew looked up half expecting Francis to still be cooking. The Frenchman swirled the glass of half full red wine before taking another sip of it. He glanced at Matthew taking in the teens choice of clothing. It consisted of red flannel pajama pants, a Montreal Canadians sweatshirt, and a carelessly thrown up mess of blonde hair.

"I'm well aware it the weekend and you probably just woke up Matt, but you look like you just finished having sex." Matthew's head snapped up blushing furiously at his 'brother,father' figure. It took all his dignity to hold back from spitting out the pancakes still in his mouth. "Uhhh" was all the blonde could stutter out after swallowing the bit of the fluffy, maple covered food. The blonde looked at his clothing before he went back to eating, slightly embarrassed.

(Let's check out the other side of this relationship)

Ivan pulled the laces of his ice skates tight making sure they were going to stay of while he was on the ice. He pulled the helmet over his snow colored hair. He gripped the taped handle of his hockey stick as he stepped out onto the frozen lake. His grip tightened on the handle as he snapped the stick back, at the perfect angle for the slap shot. In a blur his stick flew forwards at an inhuman speed and strength catching the puck on the blade and shooting it across the ice. The puck flew strait into the net moving it back a few inches. Ivan repeated the action, every time moving further away, the puck going in every time.

A small chorus of cheers was heard from the snow banks surrounding the lake. Ivan turned to the noise well aware that no one else had came with him. He prayed that his sisters had not followed him, last time it happened his older sister Katyunsha worried about hurting himself, while his younger sister Natalie distracted him from getting even close to the net, making his puck hit an innocent bystander, much to his delight.(so many fricken commas)

On the snow bank stood a short blonde male, or was it female, he couldn't exactly tell, either way they had a weird curl sticking infront of his head. The person had a pair of hockey skates in the snow next to him along with a black helmet, a stick slung over his shoulder, positioned so the person could clap for Ivan. The persons had a bright smile on their face, as it gave another whoop Ivan bowed sarcastically.

Within a few minutes the small blonde joined Ivan on the ice stick in hand. "can I join" it was a male alright, his voice was barley heard, it was the complete opposite of the cheers Ivan had just heard the blonde make. He nodded passing the puck roughly to the male. With quick reflexes surprising the Russian, the smaller male caught the puck, shooting it easily into the net.

The two grew rougher as the hours drew on, a 'friendly' game of hockey had started. The two where tied 2-2. It was almost like the two were meant to play the winter sport together. Their skills where equally matched, whether it was speed, agility, offense, or even defense. The two at this point where teasing and joking with each other as though they had known each other all along. Which truthfully they had.

With a burst of speed the smaller blonde speed towards the net making the ending goal. He spun around a bright smile plastered across his face. The Russian looked up from the place he sat on the ice (He had been knocked over when the other male took the puck from him) a look of disbelief was on his face. Though his frame was small Ivan learned throughout the whole game that the blonde could hit hard.

"You hit hard for small frame, Da" Ivan said his accent thick. The smaller male blushed slightly from the comment. A whispered "sure" came from the boy before taking the puck out of the net and passing it to Ivan. Ivan took the puck as he skated off the ice, the male following close behind. The two sat on the snow bank taking off the helmets and skates.

"What is your name?" The blonde asked, "mines Matthew Wliams." He continued pulling on brownish colored boots. "Well Matvy my name is Ivan Braginski." They continued talking for awhile even though they had been ready to leave. Their talks consisted of family, any other sports they played, and even their age. The two sentences the male had said after being asked who's team he played for and where he went, surprised Ivan the most. The smaller blonde had gone to the same school and played on the same varsity team, it upset Ivan to know that this Canadian, as he had learned, had always been at the same school.

"How come I've never noticed you at the practices or games before?" The snowy haired male asked. "Well I'm not noticed very often, almost like I'm invisible eh, if I am noticed I'm usually forgotten quickly afterwards. I was surprised you even heard me when I cheered for you." Matthew replied looking at the sun that was at the position of a little passed noon. "Well I won't forget you comrade. We should trade numbers, to play hockey some other time." Matthew shrugged handing his phone to Ivan as Ivan handed his phone to Matthew.

(Later that evening. Time skip brought to you by mochi America)

Matthew stood on Alfred's front porch. He had a bag with the Canadian flag printed on it slung over his shoulder. The cream colored door swiping open revealing the ecstatic American. "Hey Mattie, bring the chips." Alfred asked moving aside so Matthew could come inside. The two had been planning a whole night worth of gaming and movies. Matthew had chips while the American covers games and the movies.

The two blondes sped past the burnt smelling kitchen, and up the old wooden stairs. The went into Alfred's room, which was plastered with everything an American could have to say they where American. Which meant his room was covered with American flags, baseball and football posters, a literal hand made Statue of Liberty(Alfred made it himself), he had a ton of model American war planes, his bed was a mess of amarican flag bed sheets and a plush alien named tony. The alien had come from Arthur as a birthday gift many years back. Matt never knew how he fit all off it in his room, considering he was the messiest person Matthew had ever known.

As Alfred set up the first game Matthew reclined onto the bed, he was not excited to have dinnner later that night. Especially since he knew it was either take out hamburgers or Arthur's 'amazing' mass of burnt 'food'. Matthew decided he might as well get comfy.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this. Tell me below if you want me to continue this or just leave it as is. Bye hope you enjoyed -glassy

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