College Days part 1

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     Sigh.....why are all my ships gay, lesbian, or some form of LGBT+. Well here is another story idea it's a BTT, BFT, or whatever you call them with AusPrus, Spamono, Fraters (France x Carter)Just so you know yes I'm in this book as well. As for those who have read my 2p books you know I ship myself with 2p Canada, but I also ship myself with 1p China. Sorry for any times I spell Prussia wrong, I always spell it Prissia but manage to correct myself. It's a modern/non-personified country/college AU with childhood flashbacks. That's all I've got for anything other than this book so enjoy. -Jacob

     Gilbert pulled his black and white earbuds out of his ears grumbling as the music from his roommate's room reached his now listening ears. As much as he loved hearing music, his roommate only played classical, and it was driving the Prussian man insane. Muttering profanities under his breath Gilbert rolled off his bed, groaning as he faceplates into the carpeted floor. Standing up he grabbed his leather jacket and walked out the door pocketing his phone and earbuds. On his way out both his door and the door to the hall he made a show of slamming both doors.

     Walking down the hall Gilbert stopped at the door belonging to his best friend who was studying culinary, Antonio. The lucky bastard got one of the Italian twins one campus, who also took culinary classes and someone Antonio could stand(much to the Italians anger). Knocking, Gilbert could soon heard the sound of footsteps come to the door.

    "Fuck off you idiota potato bastardo." Gilbert sighed at the Italians 'friendly' demeanor as he heard the sound of more footsteps come to the door. A defining slap sounded from the room behind the door. Gilbert heard the sound of one pair stomping aggressively away from the door. The door opened so Gilbert could see the happy spinard standing in the door way, a red handprint showing on his face. Antonio scratched the back of his head as he stepped aside to let the Prussian man inside his dorm room. The two went into Antonia's room talking about their studies and random things heard around campus.

    Grabbing his brown sweater with a single tomatoe in the center of it, Antonio slipped it on. Getting his phone also with a tomatoe on it Antonio slipped it into his pocket, continuously talking with Gilbert. The males walked out of the room and into the kitchen area Antonio and Loviano shared. Gilbert opened the door and walked out while Antonio grabed a key to get back into the room.(Loviano likes to lock the doors when Antonio leaves) Antonio closed the door and went to the Prussian man standing across the hall on his phone. Looking up Gilbert saw Antonio looking at him.

   "I'll get Jacob you get Francis, meet me outside when you get him, deal" Gilbert said to the brown haired male. Antonio nodded heading down the hall towards the Frenchman's room that he shared with Carter.(he's another 'family' members) Gilbert walked in the opposite direction towards the black haired Russian.(yes I'm Russian but I don't live there nor do I have the accent. It's only my ancestors) 

   He went up to the door holding the Russian and his Chinese roommate. Inside Gilbert could hear the sound of either a fight or sex. Knowing Jacob for the past two years if could be either. Gilbert knocked hearing the noise disappear. A crash emitted from inside the dorm and the sound of angry Russian flowed from the door. Gilbert chuckled thinking of Jacob's tendency to run into things purposely just for the fact of being in pain. Gilbert laughed at the thought as the door opened. The tall Russian stood in the doorway. His features were calm and collected with his messy black hair and coffee colored skin.

    "привет Gilbert" Jacob said his voice groggy. A shorter male seemed to appear next to Jacob's side. "Nachmittag Jakob, Wang Yao" Gilbert said his red eyes glazing over Yao's small form. 

     Yao's hair was down a rare sight for anyone except Jacob, Yao had on one of Jacob's many sweatshirts and a pair of sweatpants for a lazy kind of look. Yao held an old brown sketch pad and a pencil to his chest.Jacob's outfit was a grey shirt, dark blue jeans, red and black checkered converse, and an old bomber jacket to pull it all together.(like my jacket in dancing with the devil)Both where taking classes in art for their degree. Jacob's odd grey cracked eyes looked to the Chinese male.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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