Dear diary

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If this is made into a book from votes or comments from you guys, this is what to expect. First off this will be a book about all the countries, secondly it will be what I think they would write about if they owned a diary, meaning my own ideas, head cannons, and ships. Thirdly I may have more than one persons writing per chapter. Like the whole Nordic five for a diary entry, something like that. But this also means that their will be sad parts, self harm, exc. this is also a book of random shit. Otherwise enjoy, comment and vote-Jacob

Dear diary,

    Hi I'm Sealand, Sweden got this for me since he thought I would like to write in it and tell my thoughts. I guess it's kind of like a ship log but only myself and any one I want to can read it. Continuing on, like I said I'm Sealand, on of the smallest countries with only 4 people living here. The people who take care of me are Sweden and Finnland, I think their married since Sweden calls Finnland his wife, but truly who knows. Well I'm kings of happy to have this little journal/diary thing, it can vent my own thoughts, like why does no one else see me as a country. I may be small but I'm a country none of the less. Well I've got to go, a small leak just appeared. Bye and hope to write soon.


Dear diary,

   Err hi I'm Canada, I'm the second largest county. Well I'm here to say that Alfred's a huge dick for always causing trouble and having people mistake me for him. Wow, that felt good to get out of my system. Hopefully this stays as invisible as I am, otherwise I'm going to be murderd by that chainsaw swinging butt of a country brother. Since I'm invisible to pretty much everyone except for Kumakichi, if that's right I can't really remember his name, but I guess that's equal since he can't remember mine either. Like I said hopefully this stays invisible, though I guess it would be nice to be seen by some other country, than I could be noticed as a person than America or some freaky ghost person that I seem to be. I guess being notice would also mean that Russia would stop squishing be with his big butt when he sat on me. I mean seriously how much does he way? But then again I guess being invisible has its quirks, I mean I don't get into a fight during the meetings, and I could actually consider myself a peaceful country like I'm supposed to be. Well not counting our sports. But then again they can't be that bad right? Well Kumajaro is hungry, so I better get him some fish, and should probably make some delicious pancakes, with real maple syrup.


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