Nightmares, again?!; Katim

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Person A and Person B of your OTP are living in an apartment together, but have separate rooms. Person B has a nightmare one night and is really rattled by it. They get out of bed and walk down the hallway to knock on Person A's door. The door is already open and Person B walk in silently. They go up to Person A's bed to find that they're already awake. Person B tells Person A they had a nightmare. Person A scoot over in the bed and let's Person B curl up with them and they fall asleep like this.

She couldn't stop dreaming about it, it kept happening every night that she wouldn't want anymore good dreams as she laid in bed. She knew they would come anyways, like they have been for a while. She wasn't sure if it was Deja Vu or not, but maybe it was by the thing.

She roomed up with Tim, her friend from the psych ward where they met, for the time being.

She couldn't take it anymore, the same dream always seemed to scare her when she woke with the moon beaming on her from her window. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and pulled the covers off, turning to step out of bed.

She walked out of her room, she barely could sleep anyways. With the room having a blue tint from the moon shining in through her curtains. She was very sensitive to light to sleep, she wished she could've sleep with the tv on or with a night like on. She couldn't help, but think that the thing might be watching over her. Of course he would be, why else would he waste his time not watching her?

Her heart sunk when she said this, but she really wasn't looking forward with her luck so far on being alive in her almost mental state.

She didn't feel any emotions lately, her emotions drained. Feeling like everyday is the same, waiting until death due her part, or when the thing finally takes her.

She walked down the hallway still in deep thought, her mind only companying her right now other than creaks from her feet against the floor. She walked to the kitchen, seeing her reminder note of the funeral form of her mother on the fridge door.

Her mother died because of her. Her curiosity of finding it due to hearing on the interwebs about it. She started getting more and more interested in it, the curiosity leading her to a trap of regret. She didn't know it would get this bad.

She went to the little dead end of the hallway to the left was Tim's room, and the other side was a closet. The wall in front of her was just a painting and a flower vase on a table under the painting on the wall.

She turned and went into Tim's room, almost pitch black. She wished this was her room since in the other side of the house, it was brighter on that side. She never told anyone her sensitivity to light she always had, it got worse now. When Tim was off to work, she would want the house pitch black, it seemed she had a cat like vision in the dark.

She found Tim in the dark with her catlike eyesight and shaked him. Thinking he was asleep. He rolled on his back in the first two shakes she made.
"Kate?" His voice hoarse, from not talking in a long time.

She felt a bit embarrassed in the quiet surroundings, "I-I had a nightmare." She think she sounded like a child and felt even more embarrassed.

He had a toothless grin on his face as he took the covers off his body a little, moving over for her to have room. She didn't believe it, him of all people? Isn't he just her roommate?

She was starting to get colder and accepted his offer, getting in. He covered her at shoulder length with the covers. She curled up, her hand under the pillow and her head against his chest.

He chuckled softly to not wake her up, he wrapped his arms around her.

Were they not just roommates after all?

Katim (Kate The Chaser x Tim Wright) FanfictionsWhere stories live. Discover now