Why can't things just stay happy?; Katim

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~Inspired by one of the otp songs for Katim: Angel in blue jeans~

She was so happy.

Smiling, laughing at the Rosswood Festival, having fun in what seemed like years. We both had our share of being- well seeming like we were watched by someone or something. In that moment nothing seemed to matter. No paranoia, anxiety, nothing of the sort. Just pure happiness and love.

We were just sitting at one of the bench tables, eating some food that was cheap to buy. Enjoying ourselves, that's all we did and all I wanted. Why can't everyday be like this?

She ran off before I could even notice her. All I could hear is my desperate voice among the wind and faint music from the festival & children screams of joy.

I ran deeper and deeper in the woods, getting more desperate by the second, screaming for her name louder and louder until my voice gave out. Throat burning, could barely get out a whisper, clothes sweaty.

I couldn't believe the sound that would haunt me forever. A canon blew into the night, some people in the festival hearing it and screaming. Everything in my body going faster than I thought I could.

I need to find her.

I NEED to find her.

I ran as hard as I could to see a frail body of a woman with a white hoodie getting stained with blood fall to the ground of the turnpike. The canon sound echoing, ringing in my ears. I fell in the water in a way of a reflex or something else after I saw it all go down.

I woke up to me struggling in the water, a dark gloved hand reached in the water. The water moving too much by my struggle to survive to see his or her face. I then seemed to pass out again.

(Kate's POV)
I awakened on the turnpike ground, wincing as I sat up. I rolled up my hoodie to show a gunshot wound on the side of my lower body, stomach area. I felt numb, I knew that later it will be a lot of pain for me. I have to make the numbness last. I looked over to my right and saw a old phone, not even asking why anyone would leave this here and next to me, I grabbed it. I tried to dial 911, but it seems to not work for calling. The phone seems pretty screwed up anyways.

I got up, wincing slightly as the numbness seemed to be going away. I walked over, holding my wound that's covered my hoodie and hand with red. I looked in the water as it seemed to be moving rapidly than usual from wind. It's not even that windy out here, how could the water go so quickly like this?

I saw a figure in the water moving fast, seeming to try to get out, air coming up to the top. I reached my dark red gloved (it was chiller when they got to the festival than now) into the water. The figure seemed to try to grab it, but couldn't. I reached farther in the lake, trying to make the figure grab my hand.

I felt something touch my shoulder, I got out my drenched glove and a little damp edge of my hoodie. To see it was, him, the figure that always watched me. He's finally here to take me away. I smiled a little, a mix of fear, but mainly happiness. The pain was going away and he's finally here to answer my prayers, to finally be gone. The feeling of regret of getting into this didn't matter, he is my true savior. My master.

(Tim's POV)
I woke up coughing from water in my mouth, I wasn't in the it anymore, someone seemed to pull me out I guess.
I rolled over on my back and heard crumpling under me. I got up and grabbed the paper from under me. It was a note that said to meet her in a mine close by and a signature that says ~KTC. I folded the paper up and put it in my jeans pocket. Grabbing a flashlight that was on the ground next to the paper.

I traveled through more of the woods in search for her, even exploring parts I never explored before. These woods are huge and I've been in these woods for many times, I finally came across a huge runned down mining building. I took a deep breath and I ran in.

I felt even more scared going down the corridors of this place, like they're closing in on me, and I'm not even claustrophobic! I, then, turned a corner and came across a female, in a white hoodie, a dirty and a messed up mask that has seemed to be worn for a long time. I quickly started running and the lights turned off in the corridor I was in.

I almost fell when I took a quick turn into a small room where a generator was, I quickly started pressing the button multiple times. It worked! Finally!

I felt heavy breathing behind me as I turned to see who it was, it was the masked girl, she walked towards me. She got me close to the generator, her breath felt against me as she observed and looked at my face.

I slowly raised the flashlight up to whack her. She quickly started clawing and punching at my face until I passed out.

I slowly was opening up my eyes to her voice being like honey to my ears. She started to shake me as her panic risen, "Tim! Tim!" She tried her best at waking me up for whispers.

I "hm" in response, still waking up. "He's here! Alex! He's here!"

"Kate, just quiet d-"
We both looked at the entry way as we heard footsteps echoed the place. I never would think that Kate would act all scared and panicky when she was scared.

Usually she would have an independent, fiery, a bit bipolar, quick temper for her outer personality. She seemed to have the pants of this relationship more than I did.

I noticed the same dirty, damaged, and messy mask the other girl had leaned against the wall besides us. Was she? No she couldn't be.
The footsteps got closer towards us as both of our hearts quickened, Kate got even closer to me, it seemed like she tried to get inside of my body she was that close. Like death was upon us any moment, well it seemed and was like that anyways.

He just passed us as our hearts felt like it was going to beat out of our chests, we were that scared. The heart beating slowed down a little as Kate was looking out the door way.

"Kate what are you doing-" "I know what I'm doing, Wright." She hissed and drew away from the entrance way.

She quickly put her mask in her hoodie pocket, I got up off the floor. "Why need that?" I eyed the spot she put her mask. "Reasons." She slowly and carefully walked out, I followed.

We got out of the area of the mine, where Alex was so close to kill us to fix his deed. She knew about Alex from seeing Jay's death firsthand. She knew what he was capable of doing: killing anyone who he thinks is sick to fix his twisted plan.

We stopped at the turnpike, there was dried up blood from Kate's wound. How did she fix it up? Is she hiding her pain so well?

She held out her hand towards me as she looked up at the moon shining down on some fresh blood leading to the turnpike. I got out my cigarette box and handed her a cig. She put it in her mouth and looked at me with her glorious dark brown (or hazel, not sure what her real eye color is).

I got out my lighter and pushed down the small lever, she closed her eyes as I lit it. I got too good at lighting them, I use to be really bad at it and burned myself a few times.

She opened her eyes as she drew away from the lighter, pulling the smoke out and letting out smoke rise into the sky. Gosh, she was so pretty, I now understood why CR or anyone would have a crush on her.

Under her pretty and feisty personality and beautiful eyes, she had rough past. I felt sorry for her and wished I was there to help her.

The two smoked all night until daylight came, then they just watched the sunlight together on top of the turnpike. Alex was angry and getting angrier by the day when he didn't find them.

My Angel In Blue Jeans

Katim (Kate The Chaser x Tim Wright) FanfictionsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora