Day 7- Mistletoe-Pietro

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(Y/n) Your name

Your P.O.V.

I wake up and groggily open my eyes. I get out of bed and head into my bathroom. Today is the day that Tony wants to have his Christmas party so I'm stuck having to go. It's not till night time though so I have a whole day to waste.

I do my usual routine for getting ready and then I go to the avengers tower kitchen. I have some cereal and pour in the milk. I sit down next to Pietro who is talking in that sexy accent again while conversing with Tony.

"Vhat do you mean mistletoe?" He asks

"If you and someone are under the mistletoe at the same time you need to kiss" Tony explains

"Vith my speed powers I can just place it above everyone vithin a matter of seconds so I can have all the kisses I want" Pietro states

"Isn't there someone who you ant to have a personal kiss with?" Tony asks looking over at me

I glare at him but my ears perk up to hear his answer.

"Not really" Pietro says looking down

Figures, the guy I like doesn't like me back, what's new? I sigh and look at my cereal. Suddenly I'm not hungry. I get up and go to the sink. I rinse my bowl out and storm to my room. Inside I break down crying because my heart was just broken by the one guy I thought I had a chance with.

"Princessa, are you alright" I hear Pietro say from the doorway

"O-oh umm yeah" I say wiping my tears away

"Vhat's wrong?" He asks super speeding next to me

"My heart was just broken by a jerk who can't even see my feelings for him" I say

"He must be horrible to not the the beauty in you princessa" he says hugging me

"And even still I'm in love with him and I can't forget him" I say

"I vould like to meet this man, who is he?" Pietro asks

"You" I say in a whisper

"You love me?" He says confused

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything

"Wait here" he says superseding out of my room

Should have know that he would run away. But then he comes back and holds something above us, kts a piece of mistletoe. I look at him in confusion.

"I didn't say your name because I didn't want to make you feel awkward, but I love you to (Y/n)" he says

He presses his lips to mine hungrily and I kiss back immediately. We spend the rest of the day cuddling and kissing and during the party we go public as boyfriend and girlfriend.

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