Day 8- Making snowmen- Loki

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(Y/n) Your name

Your P.O.V.

I look out the window again at the snow. I want to go outside and play in the snow but I'm not allowed to. Tony stark, my brother keeps telling me that it's to cold for anyone outside. He is a good brother but he can be annoying.

I wish my boyfriend Loki was here, he is back in Asgard pretending to be Odin. The avengers know that he is really alive after I announced my relationship with him but the people on Asgard don't know. I want to have him here for Christmas.

Suddenly I feel the room get cold and I turn to see Loki smirking.

"Did yo really think I'd let you spend the holidays alone?" He asks

I run and jump on him hugging him. We fall back and my lips meet his. He pulls me closer and we kiss for a while.

"Now come on, lets go outside" I say

"Why? I would much rather stay here with you" he asks confused

I roll my eyes playfully and pull him up. I put on a coat and boots and run outside. Loki being a frost giant and all means he doesn't need to wrap up in clothes to be warm. I jump into the snow and laugh. Suddenly I am met with snow in my face.

I look up to see Loki making a snowball and he throws it at me.

"Oh it is so on" I say and I throw a snowball back

I quickly run behind a lump of snow. I mould it into a fort so I have some defence. Loki and I continue to throw snow at each other until my lips are tuning blue and my fingers are freezing. However I don't want to give up just yet.

"Surrender Loki, or else I'll die of hypothermia" I say

"Are you really that cold?" He yells from his fort

"My lips are blue" I say "Surrender and I might let you warm them up"

"Alright I surrender" he says

Well that was surprisingly easy. I turn around and Loki is standing there in frost giant form. I scream out of shock of him being behind me.

"So you thing I'm terrifying" he says looking hurt

"No I think you look hot, what's terrifying is when you teleport out of nowhere" I giggle

"Really?" He asks

"Really" I confirm

"I love you. Now what did you say about me kissing you?" He asks as he presses his lips to mine

He teleports us inside and we spend the rest of the day cuddling. He is still in his frost giant form which is really hot. I love Loki every way he is.

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