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Grayson's POV
   I layed with Kylee next to me. Her breathing was steady and the tears that had been on her face had dried. Her long dark blonde hair fell over her face and her chest rose with each breath she took. She had her small hands wrapped around my arm and her legs wrapped around mine. I held her close not willing to let go. I was just holding her and savoring this moment when her phone when off. I picked it up carefully. A matte black IPhone 7. I saw she had one text notification.

From: Jackson
Miss you Ky. I took your advice and asked out Kate. She said yes! Thanks Ky hope you having fun in LA.

   Yes I know what your thinking " bad Grayson for snooping on your girlfriend" And all I have to say is sorry. I know it's bad to snoop but I'm just nosey. I do trusts her but I'm nosey. As I set her phone back down I noticed something. A small dark brown book with "Journal" written in the front. Again I was being nosey and I opened it. The words blew me away.

"Grayson is so sweet I.honestly don't know what I'd do without him. Living in LA is amazing and I'm so glad I get to share this with him. I know he loves me. He tells me everyday. He spoiles me and sometimes I feel guilty. He's always buying me Starbucks before I wake up. He loves to cuddle and I don't mind. He pays more attention to me than anyone. He makes me feel special. He makes me laugh. He loves having tickle fights and movie nights. I honestly don't think I'd be able to do it without him. By "it" I mean live in LA with OCD. He makes everything okay. If anything my OCD is better. I know I shouldn't but sometimes I feel that he deserves better than me. He deserves someone who can be there for him like he is for me. Kay has been getting angry with me lately and I don't know why. I try not to get on her bad side but I always seem too. She gets mad and storms off but she ways comes back. I don't see Ari much because she's always with Logan. I talk to Jackson a lot when I'm not around Garyson because that's the only time I ever get lonely. I sometimes miss my mom still. Even though she was never there when she was alive I miss her because I know that right now she is on a business trip that she will never return from. I miss her. I miss dad who's in jail. I kinda miss Lexi Sullivan even. The one bitch I thought I'd never miss and now I do. Through all this pain and hate from people and deppression from God knows what I feel I have found my happy place. I found it with Grayson because I know that I cannot ever loose everything because I won't loose him."

   Those words blew me away. I knew now how much she cared about me. I would never question it again. Those words blew me away because never had I know she felt alone. Never had I know that she was upset. Never had I know that she thought she wasn't good enough for me. It made me want to hold her tight and never let go. I wanted to just take her and I to the middle of no where and stay there where no one can touch us. No one can unravel the hem of our relationship. I loved her. I now knew exactly how much. Enough to think that this relationship is worth fighting for. If I ever have to I will fight for us and you can hold me to that.
   As I set down her journal down where it was I heard a door slam and people arguing. It was Ari and Kayla.

   "What the hell were you thinking Kay?" ArI yelled
   "I don't know okay. I understand that Kylee puts a lot of effort into our channel and our friendship and I don't know what came across me." Kay yelled back. I took my phone out and recorded their conversation. It went back and forth.
   "Kay your lucky I didn't tell you to pack up and move all you shit out'
   "I'm glad you didn't because I need to make up with Kylee. She's one person besides you I can always depend on. Its just my ex is in LA right now and he's trying to break up Ethan and I and I dont know what to do." Kay cried. " I regret saying those things to Kylee. I really do"
   "First off Kay, you need to talk to Ethan if he knows about your ex then he's going to know what's happening and he's going to be able to fight for you. Second off you really do need to apologize to Kylee. She's going through a lot." I quickly stopped recording and sent the recording to Kylee's phone before snuggling back in bed with her. I was just about to fall asleep when I heard the door open. I looked up and saw Kayla with a tears soaked face.
   "I'm so sorry Grayson I didn't mean to interrupt." She said mentioning to Kylee curled up on my chest.
   "Its fine. Don't worry about apolgizing right now either. I was being nosey again and I heard the whole conversation. I'll explain it to her." I said leaving out the recording part. She nodded and walked it closing the door. I snuggled up to Kylee again and whispered in her ear softly.
   "Goodnight Baby Girl"

Hey, hey!
It's Ky who flies with really green eyes! Hope you liked this and remember there's more to come!

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