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Grayson's POV:
   I was really pissed off. I mean why would someone get in a fight. Break up. Then move in with another guy? It was a hoe move and it made me mad. Ethan liked her in the beginning. I could tell. But anyways I'm glad he figured out that he really like Arizona instead. She was a lot nicer to me. Kayla had been hateful. Tripping Me occasionally. Cussing at me under her breath. It brought back memories of my bullied days. Yeah, I wad bullied. It was for stupid reasons too. Like for instance, if I made the football team and someone else didn't they would bully me. If I was nice to someone's girlfriend, they would bully me. I didn't know what to do about it so I didn't do anything. I don't know why but I never stood up for myself. I just wasn't willing too. Ethan was the same way, never standing up for himself. But he always stood up for me. I was thankful I had Ethan. He was my best friend and I don't know what I'd do without him. He was sometimes more of a friend to than a brother. Considering we don't fight that much. Kylee is right now editing her video while Ari is doing the same. I was amazed that they already had a lot of people following their new channels. Kylee was about halfway through when I started sweating and having flashbacks.
   "Get outta here loser no one wants you on this team. Whether or not you are starting point gaurd" Jacob yelled at me. I winced mentally at his words. Why did God make today the day that Ethan was sick. I was glad that Ethan stood up for me but honestly sometimes I felt guilty. I never stood up for him. I felt like Jacob was right maybe no one wanted me on the team after all. I just lowered my head and started walking away when I felt someone grab my shirt. It was one of Jacobs little minions Collin. He pushed me up against the blue and gold lockers, his face close to mine. "You know you never can leave until we get in a few punches" he said. His breath was sour and he had pimples all over his face. I mean yeah he was good at sports and all but he was not the pretty boy that Ethan and I always got called out to be.   "Oh Ethans not hear to save you, I forgot. I guess that means the beating is going to be extra long today. Sorry buddy. Oh wait I don't really care." He threw a punch at me catching me off guard at first before I finally realized that this was real. I probably wasn't even going to be able to come to practice for the next week. He got me in the head and I felt dizzy. My feet felt heavy and my stomach was flipping it's shit (not in a good way) I blacked out.
   *flashback over*

   I was crying now. Great. Kylee had never seen me weak. I always was so strong until I got to my own apartment. I didn't want to be weak around her. I wanted to be strong for her. I was hoping that it would take a lot longer for her to finish so that I would have time to put myself back together. But no. God must hate me right now.
   "I finished... wow Gray. What's wrong?" She said standing and coming from her Apple desktop to the bed.
   "Um, nothing" I lied. She shook her head and pulled me into a hug. I honestly felt like she was doing all the comforting today. I started crying. I  couldn't stop. I cried into her shoulder. Damn you hormones making me all mushy and emotional. I was glad though that she was the way she was. She just let me cry and held me close. I always loved the feeling of her being close because I also knew with her that I'd never be alone. I literally cried for almost 30 minutes before I calmed down. I pulled away from her and looked in her eyes.
   "Thanks my Ky who flies." I whispered softly.
   "Anytime Gray my bae" she said with a smile. God that smile could kill me. In that moment I realized that all those other girls I had ever dated were nothing compared to Kylee. I decided that it was time to explain everything to her.

   "... and that's why I was crying." I finished as I looked up at her. Her green eyes were watery.
   "I'm so sorry Grayson." She said not breaking the steady gaze she had focused on me. I smiled and leaned in. I kissed her softly my hands cupping her face. She kissed back and I smiled into the kiss. I loved this girl 10 times more than I had ever loved anyone. (Besides my parents and siblings. I loved them differently.) I pulled away.
   "I love you" I said resting my forehead on hers.
   "I love you too" She smiled.

A/N short and sweet. This is just a filler chapter really. But I'm happy with it so yeah... any who. I think we all know a person like Kayla just saying. There's this girl I go to school with and used to be friends with and that's who she reminds me of. Anyways go read alexis_paige14 book called help. Its AUMAUZING! Anywho, bye!

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