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Ari's p.o.v
A few minutes after what had happened with Austin Ethan finally knocked on the door. I walked slowly over towards the door my heart beating out of my chest because I was afraid it was Austin or some psychopath like him. I opened the door and it was Ethan I took a deep sigh of relief after finding out it was him.
  We were going to go to a ball that Ethan was invited to so he decided to bring me along then we were going to go to a fancy restraunt which he had already made reservations for previously. He looked so nice that I thought my heart was going to melt. He had his hair cut identically like Grayson's hair. He had a black suit on with a lavender tie(which matched me of course I was extremely OCD so it just had to match). He looked so adorable I count stand it.
I was wearing a lavender night gown that went to my feet and it had a slit from the middle of my thigh down(which I could tell that Ethan liked it considering he had been staring at it the hole time.) I wasn't fat I had a smaller figure and was really short compared to Ethan. I had my blonde hair twisted around a diamond encrusted headband and two pieces hanging out of the front curled.
  We asked Kylee to grab her camera and take a picture of us since we looked so cute(Ethan's words not even joking) of course she said yes and took a few photos before we decided we had to leave.
  We finally got into the car and then Ethan asked quietly "so what happened what took so long opening the door?"
  I mean don't get me wrong I was glad that he cared but what had happened made me so mad."Well I was waiting on you to come pick me I then I heard a knock on the door. So of course I made the mistake thinking it was you and I ran and opened the door it wasn't you. It was Kylee's twin brother Austin. He's a psychopath and really mean to Kylee" I started saying. I felt him reach over and hold my hand. I continued my rant as I held onto his hand also.
    "But anyways does that make sense?" I asked looking over at him. He looked back at me and smiled.
    "You need to look back at the road thirsty boy." I said laughing. That's when it happened. I heard a crash and I felt Ethan let go of my hand. I screamed his name not knowing if anyone heard me. I didn't care if there were no words I this point. He was just about everything to me. I tried screaming over and over again before blacking out. What was happening?

Kylee's POV
  I ran down the hallway holding Grayson's hand. I ran looking for the Lexi's room number I let go of Grayson's hand in my search and he went in search of Ethan's room. I found the room and barged in without knocking. Inside the room I found Lexi sitting up years falling down her face. I have to be honest I was crying too. She opened her arms for a hug and I hugged her close. I was so worried that she wouldn't be okay. Now that I saw that she was though I was okay. I finally stopped crying long enough to say. "Please don't ever leave me." She shook her head and said. "Bitch I don't even like you. Why am I still here?" I looked up at her confused tears threading to spill. "Just kidding Ky." She said smiling and I smiled back glad that she was here for me.

Grayson's POV
I let go of KY's hand and ran to Ethan's room. I knocked hoping someone would answer. Then after two seconds I was tired of waiting so I opened the door. I saw Ethan laying on the bed. His lip was cut open and so was his eyebrow. It looked like he had his arm in a cast. I wanted to cry again. He was all I had besides Ky and Ari. I sat in the chair beside his bed as he slept. I started praying. This was odd because I wasn't really that religious.This was I time thought that I found it necessary to pray. I couldn't lose my best friend. Just as I was contemplating my whole life I heard a soft sneeze.
   "Bless you." I said softly through my tears.
   "Thanks bud" I heard Ethan's voice. I sat up and looked up at him and smiled.
   "Your okay." I said my voice cracking slightly because of my crying. I hugged him. My brother, he was okay. Everything was going to be okay.

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