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   "Pick it up. Pick it all up. And start again. You've got a beautiful brain but it's disintegrating"
   I woke up to hear these words being sung softly. I woke up and saw that there was Grayson's blue speaker sitting on my dresser connected to his phone. I sat up and looked around to see him no where. I figured he most be in my bathroom because he doesn't leave his speaker or phone far from him. (No he wasn't kiddnapped) I stretched my long tan legs and my arms before climbing out of bed. I looked in my full length mirror at myself. My blonde hair was messy and my clothes were rumbled. All of my makeup had disappeared. I walked into the bathroom and found Grayson there. I was right he was in the bathroom. He was brushing his teeth. (Yes he has his own apartment but when you basically live with someone your likely going to have a toothbrush at their house.) I grabbed my toothbrush and did the same. About halfway through me brushing my teeth Grayson finished. He put down his toothbrush and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and just about choked on my salvia and toothpaste. Yeah, gross. I finished brushing my teeth and pulled myself out of Grayson s grip and went into my bedroom. I changed into a black crop top with grey sweats and I put on some deodorant and brushed my waist long hair. Grayson was now sitting on my bed with a hurt look so I just climbed into his lap and hugged him. I could tell he was smiling as he hugged me back. He played with my bracelets and hugged me for like 30 minutes. I enjoyed it though.
   "What do you want to do?" I asked Grayson.
   "I don't know. Kayla wanted to apologize and I recorded a conversation her and Ari had last night before we went to bed. You might want to listen to it. Anyways Kayla and Ethan drove to Sacramento for the week because Ethan, Ari, and Logan all decides it would be a good idea for Kayla and you to be able to cool off. Ari and Logan went to San Fransico for a few days just to get away so it's just the two of us." Grayson told me.
   "Okay. Lets go to the boardwalk!" I yelled.
   "Noooooo." Grayson whined. "I wanna spend the day at the beach we want to the boardwalk two days ago." I laughed and agreed. We decided to make a picnic lunch to take with us before we got ready. We make Turkey subs with tomato, lettuce,cheese, and mayo and we took chips and drinks. After we made the lunch Grayson went back to his apartment to get ready and I got ready in my bedroom. I put on the bikini I had wore when I went to the lake with Grayson in Atlanta the first time we met. I then pulled my hair up into a crown braid because I didn't plan on getting my hair that wet. I packed a bag with essentials. Sunscreen, four towels, two to dry with and two to put on the seats in the car, a volley ball and my phone and speaker. After I got ready I went to Grayson apartment and let myself in.
   "Grayson" I called into his bedroom.
   "Hey beautiful, ready to go?" He said
   We walked down to his car and drove to the beach

   At the beach:
   I grabbed my bag and got out of Grayson's car. He grabbed my hand and swung it.
   "Hey My Ky that flies with her emerald green eyes" he said as we walked. I laughed
  "Hey Gray my bae that posts on Tuesdays" I said repeating the phrase I had for him. Yeah were an odd couple. We finally set down our stuff and got out towels. We decided to play with the volleyball first. I stripped off my sweats and crop top so I was in my bathing suit. Gray took of his pink, yes I said pink, muscle tee and was in just his black trunks. We played volley ball for about an hour and a half before getting in the water. I walked out into the water slowly because it was so cold. After about an hour or so of that we decided to eat and then play volleyball again so we would dry off some before getting in the car. We then went home and had a movie night. Yay movies. We built a fort and watched Harry Potter movies because Harry Potter is life. After about the third movie I fell asleep. The last thing I heard was "die bitch." Okay no I'm kidding it was "goodnight Ky with who flies"

I know it sucks but to be honest I did start my sequel early and update three times today so you'll just have to live with it. Much Love

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