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   Arizona's POV
     I have always been friends with Kylee. We were the closest in 8th grade before I moved to Maine. That's why when she offered to let me live with her In Californa I was ecstatic. This time I have spent in Californa has really changed me. I feel like breaking up with Logan was for the best. I didn't like him that much anyways. I have though been becoming really close with Ethan. He asked me out the day him and Kay broke up and the day Logan and I broke up. I said no though because I was never really the kind of girl that liked being in relationships all the time. Plus I had a really bad relationship at one point. I thought Logan was different, but I guess not. I do know though that Ethan is different. I just need time. Right now I'm sitting in the living room with Kylee and Grayson while Ethan is getting ready for our date. I had already gotten ready because I thought it would take me longer than it actually did. Kylee and Grayson were cute. They were also very good at sharing a large number of dirty jokes even though they were both virgins. I hope.
   "So the other day I was walking with Gray and I heard this guy say "it's so small it's freaky" I then looked at Grayson and said "hey! That's what I told you" Kylee said. Grayson's face got red and I laughed.
   "But then I said "no you told me it wasn't going to fit" Grayson said making Kylees face red. I laughed harder as I heard a knock on the door.
   "Ethan! What the he'll you know it's unlocked" Kylee yelled falling dramatically into Grayson's lap. The knocking continued and she finally got up. She walked to the door and I pulled my shirt straight and got ready to leave.
   "Ethan I told you..." I heard Kylee trail off.  "What are you doing here Austin" She asked. I stood up and walked to the door to see if it really was Austin. Austin was a kid we had grown up with and Kylee and him were basically twins. Literally the looked the exact same ans had the same birthday. Eventually we found out that they really were twins but Austin had been put up for adoption because their mom couldn't care for both of them. They were really close until 7th grade when Austin became "cool" And he was convinced to help beat her up. From my knowledge they haven't talked since.
   "I came to see my favorite twin sister, is that so bad?" He asked teasingly. She sighed and went to close the door but was stopped by Grayson.
   "Wow babe. You have a twin? That's so cool" he said holding the door with one hand wrapping the other around her. She turned and looked at me. I just shook my head at Grayson and he let go of the door and backed away confused.
   "I really thought you were gay. I guess not. Or at least no one knows with this good cover up of yours" Austin said with really pissed off Garyson and Kylee and me.
   "Austin get the he'll outta my apartment" She said clenching her teeth. She was mad to the point of her eyes turning a bright blue and her jaw sticking out far enough to match Gray's from her clenching her teeth so hard.
   "Who's gonna make me bitch?" He asked getting up in her face.
   "That would be Mrs. Bitch to you" She said getting even closer. Just then we heard.
   "Put your hands up and back away." From the corner. We all looked and saw that our hallway was littered with police officers. Actually not littered but packed considering the police isn't trash. Austin sighed and put his hand in his pocket before dropping a gun by his foot. He then raised his hands and spread his feet slightly. Kylee gasped and Grayson pulled her too his chest. He then grabbed me by the arm pulling me closet to them. I was glad they were here to make me feel safe. Almost as safe as I felt with Ethan.
   "You are under arrest for the murders of 3 individuals." One police officer said before closing the door. Kylee glared as everyone disappeared down the hallway. She then turned to Grayson and said "what is happening to my family?" She then ran down the hall to her bedroom and slammed the door.

   Ky's POV
    I ran to my bedroom and closed the door before running to the bathroom. (I'm not gonna cut js) I sat in front of the toilet and puked. I was puking when I felt my hair being lifted up. I knew it was Grayson without looking. I then sat up and flushed the toilet before balling my eyes out. I cried because of my mom, my dad, my twin brother, my baby sister. I cried for just about everyone I knew. I cried and I couldn't stop. I thought I might never stop. Once I finally stopped I stood and brushed my teeth before curling up in a ball in Grayson's lap. As I drifted to sleep I could feel him carry me to the bed and lay me down. The last thing I heard was "goodnight. And remember baby. I will always be here." And this time I'm not joking.

Heller! This will probably be the only chapters today but I plan on updating a lot tomorrow along with alexis_paige14 because she will be spending the night with me. So yeah! Bye!

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