Answers To Yo Bootiful Questions!

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Question from danielle_specter:
Q. If you were a tree, what tree would you identify as and why?

I never thought in my wildest dreams would I ever be asked this question, and that's probably the most hilarious thing about this. So if I were to choose any tree to be, I would either be a Cherry Blossom or a Great Oak.

Question from fanficreader165:
Q. How did you come up with the idea of the series?

I'm not afraid to admit that I'm a competitive person. And when I say competitive, I really mean it. Probably the best demonstration of this is when my sister won a horse riding trophy and I wanted one too, so that's how I ended up with my horse. And I won a trophy ;)

When I first joined Wattpad, I refused to write fanfiction. I hated it. I had no respect for it. Initially, I thought fanfiction was smut for sad girls who have nothing to do but sit in their rooms drooling over Team Jacob or Team Edward from Twilight, or dating the Doctor, or banging every member of One Direction, and so on. It was something that I just couldn't consider real storytelling. 

But I stumbled upon a Captain America fanfiction called In Your Eyes by xxwinterschildxx. It completely changed my look on fanfiction. It was then I realised that fanfiction wasn't necessarily smut, but a writer placing their character in an established world and moulding it for their own and their readers' enjoyment in great respect and love for an established material. And since I am the competitive person I am, I wanted to write something better. I'm not saying that the book was bad, because I enjoyed it; it was the influence of all this. I just wanted to write something fresh. Something worth reading. Something that would stand out. Something better.

I spent weeks searching for something new to do with my character. I had an idea of her. I knew what she looked like, how she acted, and how she spoke and her personality. I just needed something new. I looked around Wattpad and found that most protags worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. or had a generic background, so I tried to avoid the former arc until I absolutely had to use it and the latter completely. I wanted to have a character that existed outside of everything else, further than just coming from a different background or place of birth like most Marvel fanfiction protags. I spent a long time going through the magnificent superhero treasure chest that is the powerlistings wiki looking for a power for my character.

I was watching Doctor Who at the time, and it hit me. A time traveller is definitely outside of everything else and if she was born earlier than a lot of events in recent memory it would be perfect. I also discovered that a time travelling protag in a Marvel fanfiction wasn't something that has been explored or possibly even done at all.

And thus Andi was born.

Question from Whiplash246:
Q. How old are you? Are you a teenager or in your early twenties?

I'm close to twenty. I'm nineteen right now. I turn twenty on June 13th.

Question from Whiplash246:
Q. How did you make the Laura Edwards gif at the bottom? It looks so awesome ♥

Thank you, dear! It really brings something to the end of my chapters.

I use Photoshop for everything. For every title and character banner, every character poster, every GIF. In regards to the Laura Edwards GIF, I pretty much placed the letters one after the other and made them appear on the timeline in a sort of upwards staircase motion. I know that's hard to understand without a sort of diagram, but I can't really explain it any other way. All I can say is that I used Photoshop. Sorry.

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