Chapter 1

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Casper Dovington was the Duke of Thornton. He was a beloved ruler who was fair and just. How was he taken with the shadow of the Kingdom? I'll weave you the tale, if you'll let me. Now, let us begin.

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"Hurry up, dear! Or you'll be late!" his mother's voice called down the hallway. The boy of 20 years of age stood up and adjusted himself in front of the mirror. He straightened the collar of his purple coat and tugged at the tops of his high brown boots. He brushed his dark brown hair out of his eyes and set it behind his ears. Only for it to promptly fall back in his face.

He groaned and looked at his grey eyes in the reflective surface. "Calm down, Casper." he told himself, "You're just going to propose, that's all." he shook his hands, trying to get the nervousness to fall right off them. "But then again, if she says no," he continued. "Then the whole Kingdom of Thornton will fall to ruin and my life will be over and-"

"Casper!" his mother said again, "Where are you?! You're going to miss her if this keeps up!" Casper clenched his hands and sucked in his breath, "C-A-L-M, she loves you, and more importantly, you love her. Now," he stood and closed the door to his bedroom behind him, "Go get the woman of your dreams!"

Casper passed by various servants, nodding to each one respectfully as he passed. Soon he would be forbidden to, as it was part of his duty as the future Duke of Thornton. He was to be marrying Denise Carlyle, the love of his life. She had raven hair and dark brown eyes and was kind to every living creature.

As Casper walked he remembered how they first met. It was about 12 years ago to be exact. When Casper was still a young boy, the Carlyle's had come to his family's mansion to visit. Casper had gotten up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare and went walking the halls looking for the creature that haunted his dreams. He had run into her in the darkened halls after she had strayed from her chamber for a glass of warm milk. Casper was still shaking so badly from the dream she had to calm him and they became friends. Not long after Casper had developed romantic feelings for Denise and she had returned them wholeheartedly.

The nightmare lived on in his subconscious still however, coming back for yet another night every once in a while.

It was about the shadow of Thornton, a being of myth and legend that lurked in every shadow. Watching and waiting for its next human prey. The story kept children from misbehaving. But it had hit Casper too hard; he was too afraid of the beast. That's what was special about Denise, she could drive him away. Pull Casper back to the Kingdom where he belonged; that was just one of the many reasons Casper wanted to marry her.

Casper reached the grand wooden doors that would lead him out to the garden where Denise would be waiting. He pushed them open with a tremendous creak. He lay his eyes on his family's beautiful garden. Every flower was blooming and shining with radiant color. The leaves sparkled in the morning dew and the bird sung their melodies in the high tree branches. The leaves of the aspen trees shook back and forth in the wind as Casper rounded the bend and lay his grey eyes on his love.

Denise Carlyle was a short thin girl with dark brown hair. Half of it was tucked into the cream colored lace that adorned her head. Purple flowers were scattered in the slightly curled tresses that hung almost halfway down her back. Her pale hands were covered with silken green gloves and the dress she wore was a similar color with a cream petticoat. She looked at Casper with her glowing brown eyes and descended the steps of the snow white gazebo. Her pink shoes making small clicks as she elegantly approached her love.

She greeted him with a kiss on the cheek. "Hello, Darling." Her voice rang lilting and sweet in Casper' ears. "What brings you out here to find me?"

Casper tugged at the corners of his white gloves. "W-Well, um...Would you care to join me for a walk?" He was to lead her around the garden until his family and other nobleman would gather at the gazebo where he would ask for her hand in marriage. Denise nodded and took his arm as they made their way behind the wall of weeping willows to look at the hydrangeas. A cold breeze swept over the estate and Denise clung tighter to Casper' arm. He chuckled and moved the two of them forward. A shadow momentarily passed over Casper but he ignored it.

"Darling," Denise said, "Do you love me?"

"Of course!" Casper responded, "What would make you think otherwise?"

Denise tapped her chin, "I thought I saw you making eyes at that servant girl earlier. I had her fired of course, but now that I know it was nothing I-"

Casper was taken aback. "You fired her?!"

"Of course. Don't fret, darling. She was only a lowly maid." Casper tensed at Denise's harsh words,

"I know, but still. I-" Casper squinted as his friend Demetri used a piece of glass to reflect the sun into his eyes. It was the signal that everything was ready. "Shall we head back to the gazebo?" Denise nodded and they began to start back through the bluebells.

A cloud drifted over the sky, casting the entire garden in a dark shadow. A chilling wind swept Casper' hair out of his face.

Denise tightened her grip on his arm. "Darling, I'm frightened."

Casper patted her shaking hand,

"Don't be. I'm sure it's just a slight change in the weather, that's all." A flash of lightning tore across the sky and Denise yelped. It began to pour. Casper held up his hand to shield his eyes from the cloudburst. "Well that's just great." He mumbled. Denise moaned as she looked down at her dress. It was completely soaked through and now weighed about three times what it originally did. A crow let out a hoarse cry over the wind. Denise started to move forward but Casper was stuck in place. He saw something in the shadows. Casper wondered how there could still be shadows in a storm like this. Suddenly the shadow gained a shape.

It was a lone figure, until it stepped closer to him. The rain was so heavy he could only see a smudge that was supposedly Denise and this new figure. It stood taller than him and was wearing a red coat embroidered with golden thread. His blonde hair was stuck to his forehead and his lips were pressed into a thin line. "E-Excuse me," Casper called out over the rain, "Who are you?" The man smiled, revealing two sharp fangs amongst his white teeth.

"Are you saying you don't remember me, my angel?" His voice was smooth and calm, but it seemed to be hiding something deep within.

"Your what?"

"Don't worry, my angel," the figure stepped closer and tilted up Casper' chin. "Now that I'm here, I can take you to where you'll be safe." The blonde leaned in and pressed Casper into a searing kiss.

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