Chapter 7

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Casper awoke the next morning to find himself buried underneath his blankets in his room, dressed in his nightclothes.

"Strange," he mumbled to himself, "The last thing I remember is..." he trailed off as a blush haunted his cheeks. His embarrassment turned to anger, then back to embarrassment. "My God, he didn't, did he?" Casper hurriedly dressed himself and called for Lester. The shadow appeared instantly and tried to hide a small smile when Casper said he would like to be taken to the vampire's room.

After a bit of walking, Lester bowed and left Casper in front of the great white double doors. Casper raised his hand to knock when Louis opened the door.

"Oh," he was taken aback by Casper's sudden appearance. "Good morning, my angel."

"Morning," Casper replied, "I just came by to see if you were awake and ready to have breakfast." Louis dramatically placed a hand over his heart as if he were overly flattered.

"Thank you, my angel. I am so sorry, but I have received word that your trial is scheduled for this afternoon. And I have to have a little chat with the judge before we begin so I really must be going."

"I wasn't finished." Casper held up a finger, "I also came by to ask how the phenomenon occurred that I woke up this morning in my nightclothes." Louis froze and Casper raised an eyebrow. "And as I recall," he continued, "The last thing I remember is falling asleep in your arms wearing my day clothes. Now, how did that happen, Louis?" the vampire looked to one side, and then the other.

"Look at the time," he said, pointing to an invisible grandfather clock on the wall, "Time for me to head out! Goodbye my angel, I'll be back before lunch." Louis ran past Casper but only made it a few steps before he turned around, "Almost forgot." Louis rushed forward and hugged Casper tightly from behind. "Have a nice day." His words were so quiet and full of breath that as they flowed through Casper's ear he wasn't even sure if he was supposed to have heard them. Suddenly, the warmth of Louis' arms was gone. Casper stood still for a second before running into the hallway.

"You get back here, you bloody tosser!" Casper called down the corridor, "Louis, when you come back I'm going to kill you."

Louis hit the ground running away from the manor; turning north towards where the trial would be held. He ran through his and Casper's conversation in his mind before he threw up his hands and shouted in victory.

Casper had called him Louis.

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Louis had arrived before lunch like he had said. He found a very grouchy Casper sitting in a chair in his study. In front of him was a chessboard.

"What's bothering you, my angel?" Louis leaned over Casper's shoulder, causing him to jump.

"Oh, nothing, Louis. I was just admiring your chessboard." Louis smiled, there it was again, his name, spoken from the lips of his angel. Louis looked to the chessboard. It had been a family heirloom. The pieces were modeled after the animals of the forest. The lion the king and the rabbits and squirrels the pawns.

"Ah, yes, it is rather lovely, isn't it?" Casper's eyes seemed to get a particular glint in them when he looked at the chessboard. Louis liked it. His eyes flashed icy blue for a moment before he placed a cautious hand on Casper's shoulder. "I don't'd like to play a game, would you?" Casper turned around and leaned close to Louis.

"I would love to." Louis flushed red, and after a moment of not moving, he coughed and Casper sank back in his seat. Louis grinned and took the seat opposite him.

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