Chapter 4

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Casper was set down in front of the doors to the study. He didn't feel like knocking so he waited in an awkward silence. After a few seconds, Mara huffed and knocked on the door herself. It instantly opened and there was Louis, panting slightly, now dressed in a dark blue coat replacing the deep red one he had on earlier.

"Ah, my angel. Please, come in." He opened the door wider and Casper scowled, but entered anyway. Mara and Clara disappeared behind the pair, and they were alone. "There is something I'd like to discuss with you, my angel." Louis sat down at his desk and motioned for Casper to sit across from him. It seemed all very professional and Casper reluctantly took his seat.

"I would like to talk about the incident that happened today and how I intend to deal with it." Casper crossed his arms,

"And how is that, pray tell." Louis looked up at Casper with his fiery gaze and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm only going to say these rules once, and I advise you abide by them. Remember our deal?" Casper gulped and nodded as Louis continued. "First, you must never question my authority." Casper opened his mouth to protest but Louis continued. "Second, when I am out of the house you shall always be accompanied by a shadow, save for when you sleep. That way they can keep you in check while I'm away."

"Why?" Casper furrowed his eyebrows.

"I wouldn't want you get lost." Louis ran his tongue over his fangs. "Or see something you aren't supposed to." The blonde said quietly, but Casper heard him and gripped the armrests until his knuckles turned white. Louis' dark demeanor suddenly disappeared and a sweet smile was on his face once more. "My third and final rule is a bit of a two-parter." Louis brushed his blonde hair out of his eyes and leaned down to look at Casper. "You won't lie to me and you will tell me when something is wrong. Otherwise, how can I make you happy?" Casper curled his toes as Louis' strange words but nodded slowly.

"I understand." Louis flashed his trademark smile.

"I trust we can get along then."

"I'll tolerate you," Casper scoffed, "Only because you are holding my love's life in the balance." Louis flinched at the words, my love. "Don't think you control me, you filthy vampire! Just because I can't escape doesn't mean I'll stop resisting." Louis sighed and put his head in his hand. "Why do you want me to be here, vampire? So you can practice a more fun way to kill your food?" Louis' head whipped up and in less than a second he stood towering over Casper.

"One thing you must completely understand," his happy voice was gone and now his sweet tones were harsh and commanding. "If any of the Council members hear you saying such things then you'll be taken away from me. And you should also know this," Louis looked up and locked Casper into a cold stare. As Casper started deeper into Louis' eyes, he noticed there was a slight flicker of color that turned his red eyes a slightly purple hue. "I would never, ever hurt you, my angel. All I want is to keep you safe, that's why you're here. You have to know that if you are going to trust me." Then there was a sudden knock at the door.

"You may enter." Louis groaned. A shadow loomed on the wall before stepping out in its human form. It was a sour looking girl with tan skin, black hair and dark eyes.

"I just came to tell you that dinner is about to be ready, Master." Her bitter tone was painted with a Spanish accent. Louis waved passively,

"Yes, yes of course. Thank you, Cynthia. We'll be down in a minute or two." The maid with the pigtails nodded and left the room without a sound.

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The twin tailed shadow walked the desolate hallway. She saw a fly buzz through the air and she caught it in her hand, crushing it instantly. She dropped the carrion on the floor and floated up into the ceiling, and into the attic, where all the shadows lived.

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