Chapter 5

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four days later

The sun was just beginning to peek out over the horizon when there was a knock on Louis' bedroom door. His eyes fluttered open to look at the top of his light blue canopy bed. The sky blue curtains were lined with silver thread and they hung gracefully to the blue rug on the floor. Louis shifted under his blue and white sheets to look out the window opposite his bed. It looked out into the forest and had the largest bay in the entire mansion. Louis' had converted it into a book nook of sorts for lounging on windy afternoons. There were a few blue armchairs scattered and a detailed blue and white vanity with a mirror hanging above it with silver trim. The walls were blue with delicate white flowers and nature pictures arranged neatly on them. Louis looked down at his unbuttoned shirt and redid every one before allowing the person to come in.

The door creaked open and a girl around the age of 17 stuck her head in the room. "Good Morning, Master Louis!" she sang. Louis combed his fingers through his hair and groaned.

"Morning, Emma." He yawned, "Why are you of all people here?" Emma stepped fully into the room, but leapt onto the ceiling and hung there thanks to an invisible force.

"Master!" she cried, "Shut those curtains before you kill someone!" Louis just gave a sleepy nod and let the azure drapes fall to cover the window panes. The Master's room was suddenly shrouded in black, but a faint light was brought back as Emma lit some candles. "Thank you." Emma had copper hair, much like her brother Lester. But hers only hung just past her shoulders in tightly wound corkscrew curls that bounced when she laughed. Freckled dotted her cheeks and two cherry pink eyes were stuck in the middle of her face. "You could have burned me. What would Lester have said?" Louis brushed her off and lay back down on his bed.

"Why are you here anyway?" Emma curtsied and clasped her hands.

"I came to get you up early, Master Louis, because you have a Council meeting today at Council Member Downing's estate to discuss the latest rogue vampire killings." Louis buried his head in his pillow.

"Fuck!" he shouted. Emma clenched and unclenched her fists.

"Language, Master." Louis looked up from the pillow, ruby eyes burning.

"Don't lecture me about language, Emma. You act like I don't know how you talk to Drew." Emma's face heated up and she started to storm out.

"I'll send in Jack!"

"No, don't." Emma turned around in confusion but her expression settled at Louis' next words. "He never lets me wear the colors that represent my mood in those meetings." Emma smiled,

"By the way, I'm leaving Casper out here to wait so don't take too long." A soft blush dusted Louis' cheeks and Emma closed the door.

Once she was gone, Louis stood up and unbuttoned his shirt once more and walked over to his closet and opened the doors. Inside was an array of colorful coats; Louis brushed his fingers over each one. "Blue and silver, Purple and red, white and grey, silver and gold, orange and green. Ugh, why do I even own this...Ah, here we are." Louis pulled out a black velvet coat lined with black lace. He slipped it on his shoulders with a black waistcoat and slacks; with his polished shoes by the door.

Louis opened to door to find a scowling Casper standing there with his arms crossed.

"Good morning, my angel!"

"Morning, filthy vampire." Casper scoffed; Louis just smiled.

"What brings you here so early?"
"Just trying to follow the rules." Louis tapped his chin in thought for a moment before remembering.

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