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Cars left a trail of smoke down the cracked asphalt halted and screeched as traffic continued on. A line of endless honking contributed to the normality of sounds erupting from Los Angeles streets. Ian pulled his pillow around his head, groaning at the forever-noisy mornings. He might get kicked out of his apartment. What a realization to wake up to. He needs to either make money fast, or get someone to live with him. He pondered for a while before sitting up in bed and rubbing his eyes.

Ian stood up out of bed, walking out of his room and into the kitchen, picking up his laptop on the way. He set his device on the small table in the middle of the kitchen. He ambles to the fridge, taking out pizza from the day before and throwing it in the microwave. So much for a diet, he thought. Taking the warm pizza out of the microwave and setting it on the table, he grabs a water and sits down at the table. He scans his eyes over the screen and logs into his account.

A smile erupts from his freckle flaked face. Three people had replied to his post regarding living with him in his apartment. He clicked on each of their profiles, one boy and two girls, and saw what they each replied with. He thought it would be weird to be roommates with girls he didn't even know. People might get the wrong idea about the whole situation. The boy, who's name was Mickey,was willing to comply to everything that Ian had requested. He seemed interested in splitting rent and food costs, and Ian enjoyed that. The only problem with having a male roommate was the fear of developing a crush on the guy. A dude having a crush on a straight male leaves everyone in the game losing. Not to mention that when Ian falls, he falls hard. He checks out the other two girls one last time before making a decision to message Mickey. He types out a quick couple of sentences before looking at the clock. He needs to be at work in 45 minutes. He jumps up and makes his way to his bedroom, throwing on some pants and a wrinkly shirt. He runs into the bathroom while pulling his socks on, and he brushes his teeth. He wipes his mouth with a towel, sprinting out to the kitchen to see if Mickey messaged him back.

Mickey agreed to meet up at Starbucks at one o'clock on Ian's lunch break. Perfect, he thought, tugging on his shoes and grabbing his wallet to head on the 15 minute walk to work. As he started to make his way to the rather small coffee shop a few streets over, he put his hands in his pocket, wondering what the mysterious man could be like. The guy didn't even have his age on his profile. What if he was a jerk with enlarged toenails? What if he had My Little Pony collectors edition toys? He could be a murderer for all I know, Ian noted. He shakes the improbable thoughts from his mind. He probably has normal guy hobbies like tacos and fantasy football. Mickey is probably a reasonable guy. If not, that's why Ian made the smart decision to meet him beforehand.

He couldn't shudder the events of last night away. Someone could've gotten hurt; he could've gotten hurt. They could know that he saw and come after him. Ian doesn't even know who those people were, and if he didn't know them, they shouldn't know him. Not thinking of it too much more, Ian heads into work. He can't anxiously make a perfect caramel frappuccino for Karen.

"Good morning," he chirps to his co-workers. He's grown to appreciate the company of his acquaintances at work. He has been working there for four months, and he's grown accustomed to the environment. It almost felt like home to him, minus unnecessary chaos of coffee beans and skim milk. They were all fairly kind to him, and he never had any problems with the few people he shared his shifts with. He did have a favorite co-worker. She was an older woman with gray tinted hair and glasses that always stood on the bridge of her nose. She reminded Ian of his late grandma.

He experienced some hectic times at work, but nothing will compare to his five brothers and sisters at home. He sorta missed his siblings randomly bombarding into his room. A smile appeared on his face as he remembered one of the last things that happened before he moved out to Los Angeles. His younger brother Carl had a going away party for his acceptance into a military school not too far from where they lived. Despite being only 16 at the time, Carl wanted to become what he called 'a real man'. Everyone knew it was going to be rough, but he was a tough kid. Ian grabs his apron out of his employee locker and stops at the mirror on the door to fix his hair. It's getting too long for his liking. He walks out to the counter and starts to take orders, writing down names and pouring coffee mixtures into the popular green cups that every girl seems to be carrying.

Ian filled the cups accordingly, laughing at something Erica said beside him. She was working drive through and Ian saw her as a sister. He rushes to the espresso machine, but there was a puddle of sloshed coffee on the floor. Ian falls, bashing his head onto the counter. He lays on the ground, and Erica rushed to his side, walking him to the backroom to set him up on a stool.

"Are you okay?" she says with a worried look in her eyes, checking the back of his head for a bump. Ian just winces.

"Hey, I have to get back to the drive through, I'll be back to check on you in twenty," Erica rushes out, scrambling to get back to her spot in the window. He understood, but his head hurt so much. He hoped it felt better by the time that the guy who was going to look at his apartment came by his work.

He walked back into the busy work space. He got some weird looks. Ian grabbed a handful of ice and a paper bag, settling the bag to the back of his head gently. He hoped Mickey would get here soon.

Do you think Mickey will show up?

Do you want some flashbacks from Ian's home life?

Hey guys!

I hope you like this book based off of the popular TV show Shameless. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend you watch:)

Word Count: 1.1k

I hope you guys like the story so far! I have so much planned for this and make sure to check out my other books if you want! Leave a favorite and a like! See you next chapter!

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