Chapter Three

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Entius slowly calmed down, but continued to stare in shock at the classroom door, meanwhile students are passing by like nothing happened. Entius slowly pushes himself up off the floor from where he sat down, and looks at Kane and Katerina, seeing them still passed out. "Of course it'd only be me conscious," mutters Entius. Entius flicks his eyes towards the door again, when a figure seems to be walking towards the entrance, meaning to walk out into the hallway. 

Entius steps closer to the door, trying to get a look at it before it sees him, and gasps, "Wait, but, I thought everyone was dead in there?"

The new figure, seen to be human, replies, "I thought so myself, but after the shock, I realized they are all passed out, with no way of waking them." She then spots Kane and Katerina, "Like them there, and everyone else is acting like it's normal, thank god you realize something is fucked up here."

"Back up a sec, they can't be woken up? What do you mean?  How long have they been like that in the classroom, and what happened to make them like that?" 

"Well, I've been trying to get those in the classroom up and going for the past half hour, not even a blink or a flutter of the eyelids. And... and some kind of... thing appeared for a second, and then the class just kind of gasped all at once and fainted, and stayed like that. Except for me, and apparently you. But hey, let's get your friends somewhere safe, possibly your house, or theirs?"

"We'll do mine since I live alone, it'll probably be a bit dusty though since I normally stay at Katerina's place."

"Your place it is then, let's get going because I'd like to get to the bottom of this, I don't know about you." 

"I can agree with that wholeheartedly, I'll take Kane since he is the heavier one,  you take Katerina and we'll head out to Kane's car." orders Entius. "Hey, what's your name anyways. I always see you around, I just never talked to you or found out your name."

"It's Erin, your name is Entius, right?" 

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Entius asks as he starts dragging Kane towards his car. Erin proceeds to follow his lead, and drag Katerina along also. 

"Uh... lucky guess? Haha." Erin jokes.

Entius just stares at her blankly.

"Okay, okay. I just overhear it when you'd pass by others, you are kinda the most popular kid here actually, no matter how much you try to ignore or pretend that you aren't," She accuses.

"Alright, this is my car still runs no matter how old or beat it up it looks, haha," Entius laughs, hefting Kane into the backseat, sitting him up ignoring Erin's recriminations. 

Erin looks Entius up and down, noting his blue jeans, gray shirt, and cowboy boots he so enjoys. She smirks, seeing that the shirt and jeans show off how slim he is and how fluid his motions are when he moves, "As much as you like to believe you aren't popular or cool, but you certainly seem to play the part." 

"Look, you want to know why I seem to ignore that I am popular? It's because I don't care, and I dress the way I dress because I like it, and it fits me just fine. You yourself don't hide your reputation, I was merely being polite by pretending to not know your name, and you dress the part too of being popular so drop the act yourself." Entius accuses right back. 

"What the hell is wrong with you? What's your problem, how the hell does Katerina stand you?" Erin inquires angrily. "You and your stupid attitude."

Entius slams the car door after Kane and Katerina were in the car, sitting up with the seatbelts on, "You shut your mouth. I do not take kindly any attitude from someone that I only just started to talk to. In fact, you have no right to question about what the hell is wrong with me, and especially no right to ask why she is with me after everything."

Erin backs up, slightly frightened by the change of tone in his voice, and how quick his temper rose, quickly changing the topic slightly and apologizing, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I don't know what happened. If we are to figure out what happened, and how to wake them up, we need to work together, not fight against each other."

"Okay, works for me, get in the passenger seat, I'll drive," Entius waves off the previous matter like it didn't even happen and he was all happy again. Erin blinks in surprise at the sudden change of mood and tone of voice again, obviously confused about what just happened, trying to think if the previous events really did just happen. She shrugs it off, making a quick note of it and jumps into the passenger seat buckling up because of the stories she have heard.

Entius scoffs, and laughs, "I'm assuming you heard all the stories then. Surprised you'd still let me drive then, but anyways, off we go!" With that, he hits the gas, the tires squealing as they leave the parking lot off to Entius' home. He laughs as he hears a scream from Erin as the car darts in front of traffic, nearly being hit. "What the fuck? You could have gotten us killed! And you are laughing? The stories don't even match this you sonofabitch." screams Erin. Entius just laughs in response, and whips the car around another corner, and whips it in front of a house standing by itself surrounded by fields and woods. "This is home sweet home to me, welcome to it!" exclaims Entius. 

"It's nice, not at all what I was expecting actually, it's a pleasant surprise. But, I mean, doesn't seem off? I feel like there is something wrong..." Erin comments.

"Nah, it's all normal. That's why I chose the house and location because no one wanted it for that exact reason, so it was cheap. And keeps people away at least." Entius responds back, shrugging.

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