Chapter 7

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Screaming, and the floor becoming slippery; that's all that I could understand. Ragged breathing and shouting starts to filter through. I hear my name being yelled through the sounds, now on my leg. Whispers of I'll be okay; I don't understand, I'm perfectly fine. Until I look down and see the rivulets of blood on my leg. Reality starts to bear down and catch up to me, and that's when the pain hits at full force. Screaming, I wreath against Entius trying to stop him from touching the source of that bloody pain. 

"Fucking hell Erin, stop, I'm trying to help!" 

"The pain" I gasp in response.

His presence leaves my side, and I hear his voice go hard, cold, and completely unrecognizable, "You're in the military, best better fix her damn you."

Scrambling heard and the quick touch of Sky only proves the sound of the pistol being cocked was real. 


After Entius carried me upstairs since I can't diddly darn gone walk right now, I heard him walk back downstairs to "talk" to Sky. Right now, I'm hearing a lot more yelling and threats than talking but, damn did I wish I was there right now.  For now, I'm stuck writing in this journal that I found in the nightstand beside the bed, I have to put my thoughts somewhere for now since I can't well voice them to anyone else. The pain is still very much present, but I'm glad it was my leg and not Entius's head. It's just... getting shot was not in my plans for the day and boy is it an experience that I thought that I knew from movies and reading books, but it's surreal, like something you can't just accept. I don't ever suggest getting shot, to whoever may be reading this.

Author's Note: Remember to vote, comment, and criticize!! Love you all!

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