Chapter Four

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"Even in the worst of times, you have to have a little fun no matter who you are with."-Unknown

"Get the door, I'll bring both of them inside," Entius orders Erin.
Erin, quick to realize when not to argue, follows the order and stands ready at the door.
"I still don't like the feel of the place, it's just... too quiet here," Erin calls down, worried.
Entius waves his hand, shrugging off her concern and drapes Katerina over one shoulder, and drags Kane along the ground to the door, and inside. "Everything is perfectly okay, Erin. I told you nothing is wrong," Entius scoffs, grinning.
Erin sighs, "I still don't like the feels of this place."
Entius turns around, "That's why I chose this place for my house, to be left alone. That's why I had us bring them here because no one will want to come close,"
 Entius stands still for a second, thinking, "Hmm, we should probably have them be on the first level here, what do you think Erin?"
Her eyebrows rise in surprise,"I'm shocked you asked me, instead of ordering me," she pauses, finger tapping on her chin, "But yeah, the first floor is a good idea."  
Entius sighs, and shakes his head before moving Kane and Katerina into a room two doors down, obviously a bed in it. Following, Erin helps Entius lay them out on the bed, and steals a glance at Entius, trying to figure him out.
"What are you thinking, hm?" Entius' voice fills the silence that had fallen, making Erin gasp.
"U-uh nothing, just trying to figure out how there isn't a mote of dust anywhere! Haha."
God, that sounded so lame, stupid. What's the deal with me? Why do I care about how he thinks, or why he is the way he is. I don't. It's just circumstance that we have to work together, and god does I hate it.
Entius stares at Erin, waiting for a response clearly to a question he asked, "Uhm, what? Sorry, I think I spaced out on you, ha ha."
Shut up, Erin! Dammit, you are such a fool sometimes.
"Right... As I was saying, we should probably head out, like to the library or something, and try to gather any information that we can about what's happening." clearly irritated, Entius repeats after walking out of the room, not waiting for a response.
"Uh, yeah sure! I can always do research on the internet also! Hey! Did you hear me?" calls Erin, running after Entius.
God, why does he have to feel like he is in charge of everything? Why doesn't he act like a team, why does he act like a loner? Who the hell is he actually? Where is that care-free, patient personality of his that makes him so popular? I mean really, this whole thing is getting tiresome already, and we only have been together for like, an hour or two! How the hell am I supposed to last, however long this is going to last!
"For the last goddamned time, and I will not repeat myself for the fourth time. Do you have your own computer to use? Or do I have to borrow one?" Entius' growls behind Erin.
"Oh! Erm... borrow one? How are you going to borrow one? Can't we just use the library's?" Erin asks, confusion written across her face. Entius sighs, and starts walking away into another room, "Don't worry about it, I'll take care of borrowing the computer. This way we can do it here, and not at the library."
Erin shrugs, realizing it won't end well if she tries pushing the issue further, and instead asks, "So, what are we technically looking for?" Entius sighs and turns around, glaring at her, "Anything that would be related to what just happened today, there have to be other places with people like you and me where this happened, right? Use that brain that is in your head there for Christ's sake." He walks out of the kitchen and turns to go upstairs, when Erin calls out to him again, "Where the hell are you going? Aren't we supposed to be figuring this out and what to do?" Entius pokes his head around the door of the kitchen, and practically shoots daggers out of his eyes at Erin, before responding, "I am going to take a shower, then I am going to make food. Which, after that, I am going to do the dishes, and depending on the time, we will plan out what to do next, or we are going to the bedroom for relaxation, then sleep. Understand?"
Erin's eyes widen slightly, the tone of his voice like a predator simply shakes her head yes and quickly tries to find something to do as Entius proceeds to grab a shower.
Why did I have to be stuck with her, and not someone else... who I don't know, has more brains than her apparently. And why won't she just fucking listen, goddamn it? And why did I say I'm going to borrow a computer? Why? We could have just used the library's but guess I'm stuck with the decision, my stupid mouth. Who does she think she is anyway, asking where the hell I'm going? Can't fucking think about something being dirty and hungry, with little sleep for the love of all things. I mean seriously, she takes annoying to an all new level. Entius sighs, cursing for once that he took quick showers, and headed back downstairs. "Still here Erin?" No response.
What the hell? Where she go? Damn this girl.
Entius peeks into the kitchen, seeing it empty, starts to walk in, when he heard the sound of a footstep, half a second too late before arms were encircling around him, scaring the shit out of him.
"What in the bloody hell? Who the hell-" he stops yelling, as he notices Erin's bracelet.
"What are you doing? Why the hell are you doing? Who the hell do you think you are to do so?"
Erin, backpedals, eyes wide in shock, "I-I was just giving a surprise h-hug is all."
"A hug? A surprise hug? Well, as a matter of fact, I hate hugs, and hate being touched for that matter, what were you thinking?" Entius pauses, "Hey, I'm... uh, sorry about my reaction," he rubs the back of his head before continuing, "I, uh, guess I'm sorry? Uh, I guess maybe give you a hug?"
He stands there uncertain, with arms outstretched. Erin looks at Entius incredulously before running into his arms and hugging him tightly, tears starting to stream from her eyes, wetting his t-shirt.
Ummm, what the hell do I do here? Is... is she crying? Shit, she is, what the fuck do I do?
Entius gently pats her back and hugs her tight to his body gently.
"I... Uh... Everything will be okay?" Entius murmurs, uncertain of what else to say.
Erin looks up, still clutching onto Entius, "How can you be so sure? What if the rest of the world is like this, and it's all up to us two to save it? How can anything be okay?"
Entius shrugged the best he could, and just hugged her tighter, "I don't know, we never really do, but if we don't try, we never will know."
Erin looks at Entius, and bursts into laughter, "You are so the worst at comforting, but pretty good at motivation I guess."
Erin releases Entius, and Entius relieved, releases, and motions for Erin to sit down.
"I'll cook us up some grub, sound good?" Entius asks, moving to the fridge.
Erin cracks a smile, "As long as it isn't actual grub and something that tastes good."
He only rolls his eyes, as he starts moving about the kitchen doing this and that somehow keeping an eye on everything. Erin tries tracking all of his movements but fails.
"Is it soon done yet? I'm huuuuuungry," complains Erin several minutes later.
"Shhh, patience young one. Good food takes time," replies Entius, smiling. "But Entius," whines Erin.
"Shhh, it'll be done soon, Jesus," he fires back.
Sure enough, the delicious aroma belonging to the food that was filling the air was done.
"I present to you Miss Erin, a delicious feast of grilled cheese," Entius bows and places before Erin, grinning. "Why thank you, Chef Entius, I assume it will be of most delicious," Erin replies back, smiling.
Entius frowns, staring at Erin.
"What Entius? What's wrong?" Erin looks around, what's the cause for his behavior?
He grabs a washcloth, and before she has time to react starts cleaning her face with it, she bats it away laughing, "Sorry, couldn't stand seeing the tear marks there on your face," Entius replies shyly.
The grandfather clock in a nearby room dongs, marking that the time is ten in the evening.
"I must say, the plan of saving the world can start tomorrow, what do you think Entius?" yawns Erin, then smiles.
"I think that is a fantastic idea that you have, in fact, I think there is a bed up there big enough for two, care to join me?" Entius shoots back. They both head upstairs, taking turns changing in the bathroom into proper sleeping clothes and fall asleep. 

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