Chapter 2 - Seattle to London

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Lilly's POV
Since I didn't own a car here in Seattle, I had to call a taxi. While I waited I made sure I had everything so I wouldn't be rushing and leaving stuff here in my hotel room. About five minutes after I had my stuff together the taxi arrived. We drove in absolute silence, the radio wasn't even on so I plugged my headphones in and put Price Tag on because it was the first thing that appeared in my playlist. I had it on shuffle so I wouldn't be listening to the songs in the order that they're in on the album. When I arrived at the airport I was about half way through Laserlight. I grabbed my bag and paid the driver and walked towards the entrance of the airport. I was happy to be going back home for two reasons. I got to see Holly for one and I was meeting Jessie J in a few days for two. I went to collect my plane ticket and I saw someone I had recognized. It was Jessie J. I walked over as casually as I possibly could, it was hard though because it was the Jessie J. When I'd walked over I'd noticed she had dropped her phone so I picked it up and handed it to her. "Thank you so much I was looking for that", Jessie said smiling. "No worries", I said. "What can I do to thank you? I thought I'd lost it", she asked. "Its okay, you don't have to do anything", I said weakly. "Oh, come on. How about we go get some lunch, I'm starving", Jessie said. "Okay let's go eat", I said as we started walking towards the food court. "What do you want to eat?" Jessie asked while pointing at all the food stalls. "I'll just have a sandwich, I'm not very hungry", I said smiling weakly. "Okay, I'm having chicken salad", Jessie said. We went and bought lunch, Jessie paid for it she insisted on it. "So where are you flying to?", Jessie asked. "I'm going to London", I said knowing what her response would be. "Cool I'm going to London for part of my Sweet Talker tour", Jessie said excitedly. "I know, I'm going to your concert, my friend won two VIP passes for it", I said smiling. "So I'll see you there then", Jessie asked. "Yea I can't wait", I said. "I think we should go to board the plane, wanna sit with me?", Jessie asked smiling. "Yea we should, and sure I'd love to sit with you", I said and with that we headed for the line to board the plane. When we found a place to sit on the plane Jessie asked me something I wasn't expecting. "Hey Lilly, wanna stay at mine for the night when we get off the plane? It'll be like 1am or something when we land", Jessie said. "Yea, sure. That'd be great", I replied and Jessie's face just lit up with my response. After a few hours of flying and Jessie falling asleep on my shoulder, I gently woke her up. "Wake up Jess, the plane has landed", I said shaking her shoulder. "Okay, did I fall asleep on you?", she asked almost inaudible but I heard her. "Yea, but I didn't mind I thought it was kind of cute", I said smiling. We got off the plane and then went to go search for our luggage. It only took a few minutes to find it all and then I rang a taxi to come pick me and Jessie up. After fifteen or so minutes of talking the taxi arrived to take Jessie and I to Jessie's place in London. When we got there my jaw dropped with how big it was then Jessie said "I'd shut my mouth if I were you so you don't catch flies". "Right, you have a point", I said still in awe from how big her house was. Jessie gave me a quick tour of the house, we went back to the lounge and then I asked Jessie where I was sleeping. "You can sleep in my bed", she said. "Is there a spare room?", I asked hoping that she'd say yes. "No, sorry. Only my room", she replied smiling weakly. We walked up the her bedroom, which was massive and Jessie threw me something to wear to bed. I went to the bathroom to get changed and then went  back to Jessie's room. When I went back in Jessie was already lying in bed, when she saw me she motioned for me to get into bed. I hopped into her bed as far away as possible from Jessie so it wouldn't be awkward. But then Jessie pouted and patted the empty space next to her. I wriggled over slightly and then I started to doze off. But then I woke up a short time later by something grabbing me by the waist. I turned my head to see that it was Jessie with her hands wrapped around my waist. She continued to pull me closer until there was just inches between us. She smirked at me and then continued to pull me closer until there was no space between us. I didn't know what was happening really because one minute I'm asleep and then the next Jessie was pulling me closer to her until there was no gap between us. Then in a flash she'd almost instantly closed the gap between our lips, and shivers went up my spine not knowing what Jessie would do next. But then she quickly pulled away and was apologizing. I think it had shocked her as well but then she got closer to me again and shivers went up my spine again and then she closed the gap between us again. While we were still in that position she had pulled me back into bed and we both fell asleep like that.
Jessie's POV
I woke up really shocked. I had fallen asleep kissing Lilly, what was wrong with me? I got up and tiptoed across the floor and I went downstairs to cook breakfast for me and Lilly. I was almost done cooking when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and then I saw Lilly. Damn she looked cute with bed hair but I didn't say anything, I just served up breakfast. We talked about what had happened last night and other random stuff, then she asked me something I wasn't prepared to answer. "Why did you kiss me last night Jessie?", she asked quite calmly. "Um... I... Um... I like you Lilly. No I don't just like you I love you", I spluttered out. She looked at me in complete awe and then smiled. "I uh I love you to Jess", Lilly said awkwardly and then smiled weakly. Then all of a sudden Lilly's phone rang. Lilly went to go answer it.
Lilly's POV
I answered the phone and then I got yelled at by my bestie Holly asking where I was. "I'm at Jessie's", I said. Then I remembered that Holly didn't know I met Jessie at the airport. "What?! You met Jessie and didn't tell me", Holly squealed and half yelled. "Um yea", I said and then Holly hung up. I went back to the kitchen and Jessie asked who it was.
I explained everything and then we went upstairs back to her room and she gave me some clothes and told me to get dressed in the bathroom and quickly. I did as she ordered and then she sat me on her bed and she sat next to me and she asked me a question that I wasn't expecting. "Will you be my girlfriend?", Jessie asked biting her bottom lip. "Yea, sure I'll be your girlfriend if you really want me to", I said and smiled weakly. "Great. So are you staying again tonight?", Jessie asked smiling. "If you want", I said still in shock. I then texted Holly telling her that I was staying at Jessie's again. Within seconds Holly replied back with, "why are you staying over again?". I responded to that with "because Jessie asked me to and I said yes". "Fine, whatever" Holly replied.
And with that I ignored any contact Holly tried to make with me. I was happy at Jessie's house and if she couldn't accept that then good for her. Then I got a text from Holly asking if there was another reason why I was staying over again. So I replied with "I didn't want to tell you this but". "BUT WHAT?!" Holly replied. "Jessie asked me to be her girlfriend and I said yes", I replied hoping she'd be happy for me. "She what?! Jeez Lilly hope your just joking". "I'm not. I'll get her to text you if you don't believe me", I replied angrily. Then Jessie walked over to me and asked what was wrong, I told her everything and she gave me a big hug and kiss and told me that everything would be okay. I smiled and then hid my face in the crook of her neck. "Come on baby, do you want to go to our bedroom?", she asked softly. "Our bedroom?", I asked a bit confused. "Yea. When I asked if you wanted to be my girlfriend and you said yes I assumed that you'd just live here with me", Jessie said. "If you want me to live with you and this be our bed then sure I'd love it", I said and with that Jessie pushed me onto the bed and said "great, I wouldn't have taken no for an answer babe".

A.N. : I wasn't planning on them getting together so soon I was gonna wait a few more chapters but I just couldn't wait. I'm gonna try to get some drama happening soon if Lilly and Holly fighting through text wasn't enough for you guys. If you guys have any ideas let me know on my Instagram jessie_j_heartbeat_28
Sorry if the chapter was to short I type them on my phone and it looks pretty long on my phone so please forgive me if they're to short.
Enjoy the next chapter when its available. Kaitlin

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