Chapter 5 - Escape

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Jessie's POV
Today I plan to surprise Lilly and take her out on a date or something along those lines. I carefully climbed out of bed after escaping from Lilly's embrace without waking her, she fell asleep hugging me, again. Typical Lilly. I replaced myself with my pillow before heading down stairs. She stirred a bit before going back to dreamland. I quietly tiptoed across the wooden floor boards, succeeding in not waking the sleeping beauty, before quietly closing the door and walking down the stairs to the kitchen to make breakfast. I grabbed the eggs and bacon from the fridge and started cooking. Before long I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Morning sleepy head." I said to Lilly while serving up the bacon and eggs. "I wasn't impressed to wake up in an empty bed baby." Lilly replied pouting before giving me a peck on the check. We ate breakfast and then Lilly went on my laptop and checked her Twitter. "Jessie!" I heard Lilly yell out from the lounge room. "Yeah?" I said wondering why she called my name. "Um, my twitter has exploded!" Lilly exclaimed shocked. "Hang on I'll be down in sec." I called from the bathroom. I went and looked over Lilly's shoulder, "Shit Lilly! You weren't joking, when you said twitter exploded!" I laughed. "Yeah, last night before the show I had like 60 or so followers now I've got over a million!", Lilly said still shocked. "Well I guess that's what happens when you're dating a celebrity, what did you expect?" I said while drips of water trickled down my back from my wet hair. "I didn't really think about it, but I didn't expect I'd ever have this many followers, let alone just overnight." Lilly replied. "Well I guess that means that they all approve of you then baby." I said turning and giving Lilly a quick kiss and heading upstairs to get dressed for the day. Later that day Lilly came in crying with her phone in her hand. "What is it Lil?" I said rubbing her back to comfort her. "Holly, she knows where you live and she's coming to get us!" Lilly said through tears. "Show me the text." I said holding my hand out. It read: "Don't think you can hide from me much longer Lilly. I know where you are and I'm coming"

Lilly's POV
"Pack your suitcases! Were going on a little road trip!" Jessie said happily. I still don't know what that Holly's problem was, can't she just be happy for me? "Where to?" I asked. "We're going to stay at Holly's place until we can find somewhere else, don't worry not the insane Holly that thinks she coming to get you." Jessie laughed. "Good the further away from her right now, the better." I said. "Well, let's get this stuff in the car and put Jackson in his carrier. "Jessie said while wheeling a suitcase out the front door to the car. I followed with another two. Then I grabbed the carrier out of the cupboard and found Jackson. Jessie came back in and helped me get the dog in his carrier and into the car. We got the last of our belongings and headed off to Holly's. It was a long trip so we stopped at Jessie's parents on the way. To be honest, I was a bit nervous to meet them. "Don't worry Lil, they'll love you!" Jessie said before adding, "Although not as much as I do of course." Jessie started laughing at her comment. "We're here!" Jessie said excitedly. We grabbed one suitcase and Jackson before going to the front door. "I've got a spare key, we'll use that because they're probably asleep." Jessie whispered. "Okay, can we just get in? I'm freezing out here." "Almost..." Jessie said trying to get the key in. "It doesn't fit, we're gonna have to wake them up by knocking." Jessie said. I just nodded and we started knocking. After five or so minutes a woman opened the door, I assumed it was Jessie's mum "Hello Jessica what are you doing here and who's this?" Rose asked. "I'll answer the questions if you let us in mum, it's cold out here." Jessie laughed. "Okay, okay, be quiet your father is asleep" Rose said quietly before letting us in. "Okay I'll explain everything." Jessie said before adding, "This is Lilly, we've been dating for a few weeks now, we are here because Lilly's crazy friend is trying to find us to hurt Lilly." "It's nice to meet you Lilly, but why is your friend trying to hurt you?" Rose asked concerned. "My friend is trying to attack me because I met your daughter at the airport in Seattle and stayed at her house for a few nights... then we started dating without telling her." I answered. "Well in that case you are both to stay here until this is over." Rose said firmly. "We were going to stay at Holly's but I guess we can stay here instead." Jessie said. Jessie's mum and I nodded in agreement. "Okay so its settled you are both staying here. And no funny business Jessica!" Jessie's mom laughed. "I don't have a clue what you mean by funny business," Jessie stated. "You know what I mean, with Lilly." Jessie's mom said looking at me. "MOM! Shu'up please! I don't need the world knowing every last detail of my personal life," Jessie said without realizing what she'd admitted to. Rose and I just laughed at Jess. Once she had realized what we were laughing about her face turned a vibrant shade of red. "No need to be embarrassed babe." I said pulling Jessie into a tight embrace before getting interrupted by Rose. "Get a room you two!" Rose said  while signaling us to go elsewhere. So Jessie dragged me by my hand up to her room that she had when she was younger. "Lil can you please tell me what my mom meant by funny business between us?" Jessie asked me. "I think you know." I laughed. "I don't have a clue!" She laughed back. "She means us in bed and well... You know" I said with a serious face. "Okay I know what you mean now," Jessie smirked before pushing me onto the bed. "Jessie I don't think that this is the right place to do this." I said trying to push Jessie off me. "Anywhere's a good place as long as it's with you," Jessie said leaning in and pressing her lips on mine before being interrupted. "Ew Jess! Just ew!" Exclaimed Jessie's sister said before turning away. "It's safe for you to look now Hannah." Jessie laughed sitting up. "Okay, well before I say what I came to say, who the hell is that?" Hannah said looking at me disdainfully. "Oh right. That goreous girl there is my girlfriend Lilly." Jessie said before wrapping her arms around my waist giving me a warm feeling inside. "Okay well it's nice to meet you Lilly, it would've been nicer to meet you had you not been in bed with my sister." Hannah said. "We obviously wouldn't have been if we'd known you were coming in." Jessie laughed "You need to learn to nock." "Yeah well, I did text you and I didn't hear anything going on in here!" Hannah said before adding "I'm going to bed, okay? And it would be much appreciated by everyone if you aren't making love tonight. So goodnight." "Okay sis, we'll try to keep the noise to a minimum," Jessie laughed. 'I'm going now, but if you guys get too loud I will come in and tell you whether I hear moaning or not." Hannah said before walking out and closing the door behind her. "Well that was interesting," I said before Jessie pushed me back onto her bed and continued where we left off.
The next morning I woke up with Jessie's arms around my bare body. I was in the middle of me trying to remember last nights activities when I was interrupted by Jessie saying something to me. "Well, seems like we had a pretty fun night considering the state that we're both in." Said Jessie rolling over before Hannah walked in, oblivious of our state because we were under the blankets. "Well, we heard you last night, but because we were all feeling nice we decided to not disturb you." Hannah giggled "Thank you, and for your information, we enjoyed our night." Jessie smirked. "Too much info sis, but I came to tell you that Holly is here to see you two and I'm sure she'd love to hear the details." Hannah laughed. "Okay tell her we'll be down in about 15 to 20 minutes", Jessie said. "Sure thing." Hannah replied before leaving the room and shutting the door, I think she knew that our current state wouldn't be appreciated by the others. We shared a shower because I thought it would be quicker and save water. I was wrong. Jessie thought it'd be a great idea to turn the shower into a long make out session. It end up taking as nearly two hours to get ready rather than the 20 minutes Jessie had promised her sister. "Well that was a lot more than 20 minutes Jess!" Holly laughed. "Sorry Holly, it was Jessie's fault." I said pointing towards Jessie. "Okay, let's go up to Jessie's room so you can explain why its Jess's fault and what happened between you two last night. Hannah said that I might enjoy that story." Holly laughed.
"It's completely Jessie's fault we took so long because she had the urge to turn our shower into a make out session, I couldn't control her and neither could she apparently." I said smiling angelically, "As for last night, I think I'll let Jess explain that story." "Okay well last night we obviously spent with each other, and then Hannah came in and said she was going to bed and told us to be quiet and not do anything but sleep. But when she said that my mind had other ideas and then it just kinda happened." Jessie explained. "Plus, it helped take our minds of Lilly's  problem friend."

A.N.: I wasn't expecting the end bit to happen with Jessie and Lilly but then it just well happened! I hope you enjoyed chapter 5 and also if updates are slow its because my amazing editor and best friend takes awhile to edit the chapters but its so that everything makes sense and is easily understood and all that jazz so updates will be a bit slow but I do try to get Holly to edit them as quickly as she can by constantly texting her and calling her to remind her to finish them. If you liked this chapter and previous chapters vote and comment and all that and follow my Instagram jessie_j_heartbeat_28 and if you have any ideas or things you want to happen let me know in the comments or on my Instagram. Also if you can't see chapter 2, it is there but it won't show but I'll try to get it up as soon as I can. And I hope you all had a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Bye. Kaitlin❤

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