Chapter 3 - I Really Do Love You

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Lilly's POV
Tonight was the night of the concert and I couldn't wait. I looked over beside me and Jessie was still asleep, I couldn't help but stare at her for a few minutes before I got up and made us some breakfast. When I was done I went upstairs to wake up sleeping beauty. To my surprise she had already gotten up and was searching through her closet for some clothes for both of us for today. When she saw me she walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. We went down to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Her face when she'd seen I'd already made it was just priceless. "You know you didn't have to do this babe", Jessie said still half asleep. "I know but I wanted to, you've got a big night tonight", I reminded her. We quickly ate and then got dressed for today then went to Jessie's rehearsal. We got in her car and drove to the venue she was performing at tonight. When we arrived Jessie's manager was pacing around the room. Within seconds of seeing Jess and I, he was standing in front of us. "Who's this?", Jessie's manager asked pointing at me. "This is Lilly. She's my girlfriend", Jessie answered back then held my hand. "Oh, congrats then Jess", he said staring into space. "Thanks" Jessie said smiling and then she took me to see her friend. "Hey Jess, long time no see", Jessie's friend Holly said. "Hey Hols", Jessie said smiling. "So are you gonna introduce me to your new friend Jessie?" Holly asked pointing towards me. "Oh right. Holly this is Lilly, my new girlfriend. Lilly this is Holly my best friend." Jessie explained. I talked to Holly for a while before Jessie came behind me and grabbed my waist before planting a kiss on my neck. "I've got to do a sound check and practice my songs for a bit, so while we do that you can hang out with Holly and get to know her better." Jessie said. "Okay babe, I'll see you soon then." I said nipping her on the cheek. "I'll be back in an hour or two", Jessie said. Then Jessie went over to the stage and I went to chat with Holly. "I'm glad Jessie met you Lilly," Holly said "She hasn't been this happy in ages". "My pleasure", I replied, happy to hear that I make Jessie happy and that this Holly approves of me. "So how did you and Jessie meet?", Holly asked me. "We met at the airport in Seattle", I said smiling while my brain took me back to that perfect moment when I met Jessie. "Sounds romantic", Holly replied, probably expecting to hear something else. "Haha yeah, an airport isso romantic isn't it", I laughed. "What else happened", Holly questioned seeming quite intrigued. So I explained everything that had happened since the the airport, aside from the affair in bed. "Wow, she must really love you then. She usually takes weeks to ask someone out." Holly said. "Really?" I asked Holly quite shocked at her response. "Yeah, seriously." Holly laughed. "What are you two laughing about?", Jessie asked when she walled over to Holly and I. "Oh nothing. Just the fact of how hard you've fallen for Lilly." Holly replied still laughing. "Where did sudden interest in my love life come from Holly?", Jessie asked her best friend. "Since you asked out someone you've only known for two days", Holly replied. "Well it looks like she's the one then." Jessie said smiling at me before giving me a peck on the cheek.
The concert was just about over when I saw Holly in the crowd. My Holly, who had practically yelled at me through the phone. When she had realized I was staring at her, she came over and yelled at me "Look who decided to show her face! I hate you! First of all you meet Jessie without telling me then you stay at her house and leave me, now she's your girlfriend? What's next, you get married to her?!". At that moment I ran off to backstage security, they let me in because Jessie had told them I was a special guest. I went straight to Jessie's dressing room and minutes later Jessie came in and comforted me with a hug before asking why I was crying. "My best friend I was meant to be coming to the show with just yelled at me because of you. She was angry and thinks that we're gonna get married." I said bawling my eyes out. "Well, she had no right to yell like that, but I do see us getting married in the future", Jessie said smiling at the last part of what she had said. "Really Jess, you'd want to marry me?" I asked nervously. "Yes! Why wouldn't I? You're an amazing girl and I see a future for us, together." Jessie said smiling before giving me a passionate kiss.

A.N. : in the next chapter Jessie and Lilly are gonna meet the fans and there may be a bit of tension with Holly (who yelled at Lilly) and Lilly. I hope you've enjoyed the first three chapters and you'll continue to read on. If you have any suggestions or things you would like to happen let me know in the comments or on my Instagram jessie_j_heartbeat_28

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