Chapter 13

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* Lilly's POV*
I just found out that Hollie's been put in hospital because a truck crashed into the drivers side of her car. Part of me hopes she's alive and the other part hopes she dies soon. Mean I know, but after all the shit she's put me through I have a reason. I get off the phone with Ellie and then go shopping with the girls.

First we go to a shoe shop, I buy 3 different pairs of converses and a pair of vans. Hollys buys two pairs of converses and a pair of black high heels and Clair buys nearly every pair of converses there is. Clair really loves her converses in mine and Holly's opinion. We take our shoes to the car before going clothes shopping.

After we drop our shoes at the car we head back inside to buy clothes. We walk around the mall for a bit before we find Forever 21. We all get some stuff there before going to find more shops.

We go to a few more shops before we start getting hungry so we go to Starbucks. I order a caramel milkshake, Holly gets the same as me and Clair gets a chocolate milkshake. While we wait for our milkshakes I recognize someone. "I'll be back in a minute I think I know her," I say to the girls while pointing at someone.
"Okay I'll get your drink," Holly replies.
"Thanks Holly," I say before heading over to the girl.
As I get closer I notice that its one of my friends from high school.
"Hey Crystal," I say.
"How do you know my name?" she asks.
"We were friends in high school," I answer.
"Oh hi, Lilly was it?" Crystal asks.
"Yeah," I smile.
"Holy shit I didn't recognize you, you look so different!" Crystal laughs.
"Yeah," I reply before adding, "do you want to come eat with me and some of my friends?"
"Yeah sure," Crystal replies as she picks up her drink.
I introduce Crystal to Holly and Clair. While we have our drinks we talk and Crystal gets to know the girls.

After a while Crystal had to go so Holly, Clair and I went home. Since it was almost 5pm we put on a film and ordered pizza. I got my phone and went on the dominos app to order the pizza because I can never make up my mind when it comes to choosing pizza. I eventually decide on a cheese pizza, Holly and Clair get a meatlovers pizza. I order the two pizzas and then get a bottle of Sprite, I place my order and now we just have to wait until it gets here.

While we wait I put Netflix on and choose a movie to watch. I decide on scary movie 1. We're about half way through the movie when Clair gets up to get the pizza from the delivery guy. Soon Clair comes back in with our pizza. As the credits start rolling we finish the pizza. "Who wants to watch another movie?" I ask.
"Me!" Holly and Clair say in unison.
"Okay I'm gonna put scary movie 2 on," I say as I pick up the remote.
"Okay," they both say.


After what felt like forever we had watched scary movie 1, 2, 3 & 4. Clair went to bed after number 3 and Holly fell asleep nearly an hour ago. Since Holly had fallen asleep, I picked her up and carried her upstairs to bed. I gently placed Holly on the bed and took her shoes off. I was about to leave the room when Holly started talking in her sleep.
"N-no don't go I-I need you h-here with me please don't go," Holly mumbled. While she mumbled I recorded it and sent it to Jess because I didn't know what to do.
Within minutes I got a reply saying to wake her up immediately, so I did. Soon enough Holly was awake and back asleep again. I decided that just in case I'd stay in here with Holly for tonight. I got changed into something more comfortable and climbed into the bed. It's a pretty big bed so I wasn't too close to Holly, I soon fell asleep.

--- Next Day ---

I woke up to a bunch of blonde curls in my face and my phone being a noisy bitch. I moved Holly's hair out of my face before checking my phone. I had 5 missed calls from Ellie, and a bunch of texts from Ellie. I checked the messages and from the most recent one I think she's pretty close to dead. But who knows to be honest, she's always been a fighter but there's something about this that seems like she won't win this time.
I ring Ellie to see what's up with Hollie. After at least ten minutes of Ellie crying down the phone I hang up because its all I can hear. Soon I get a Facetime request from Ellie, so I answer it.

(L - Lilly   E - Ellie)
L - Hey Ellie what's up?
E - Oh you know the usual, in hospital with a friend who's dying
L - Look if I could I'd come down but I can't
E - K. Who's the girl in the corner?
L - that's Holly
E - Is she your girlfriend?
L - no Ellie she's my best friend
E - Then why are you in the same bed as her?
L - She was mumbling shit in her sleep so I woke her up and when she went back to sleep I decided to stay with her just in case
E - K. I gotta go now bye Lils
L - Bye Ellie
(Facetime ended)

A few seconds before the call ended I heard a long ongoing beep from the heart monitor. I think Hollie's dead.

A/n: finally a long update! Only took a month to write 😂
So sorry it took so long but I've four exams soon so I have to study and I've been spending time with friends. But anyways vote and comment if you liked this chapter and your thoughts on Hollie dying.
If you liked this chapter vote! And comment any ideas for future chapters

I'll try and do another update soon but no promises guys

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