Chapter 8 - Leaving for Australia

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Again sorry that the last chapter was super short I just felt like I needed to update

*1 Month later*
*Jessie's POV*

I have to leave tonight to go to Australia for my tour and promo for my new album. But last night after almost an hour of begging over the phone my manager has decided to let Lilly come, but I haven't told her yet. I'm about to though. "Lilly, could you come here a minute I have to tell you something!" I called out to Lilly. "I'll be up in a minute, I've just gotta finish feeding Jackson!" Lilly yelled up the stairs. "Okay!" I replied before doing a final check to make sure I had everything, I also packed a suitcase for Lilly's stuff. Just then Lilly came in. "What is it babe?" Lilly asked. "You may want to sit down," I say. "Okay," Lilly says as she sits on the bed next to me. "YOUR COMING TO AUSTRALIA!!" I squeal. "Oh my god! Really?!" Lilly replies. "Yes!" I reply before adding, "don't worry I've already packed your stuff". "Okay, thanks Jess," she replies. "Let's get our stuff in the boot of the car and go get Holly," I say. "Okay, can we get something to eat on the way?" Lilly asks. "There's food downstairs," I say. "But isn't that for Clair while she stays here and watches Jackson?" She asks. "Yeah, but she can always buy more if she needs it," I point out. "I guess, you have a point," Lilly says before heading downstairs to get something to eat. I follow Lilly downstairs carrying two of the suitcases, I lead them in the lounge room before joining Lilly in the kitchen. I grab a small container of salad and a bottle of water. I eat my salad at the island bench in the kitchen before heading back upstairs to get another two suitcases. After a couple of laps up the stairs and bringing down suitcases we finally have them all in the boot of the car. We get in and head to go pick up Holly. We drove to the studio she teaches at to pick her up because she was doing a dance class. We got Holly's three suitcases and put them in the back of the car also. Lilly, Holly and I then drove straight to the airport.

We got to the airport in about an hour and a half because of traffic. We were ushered inside the airport by my manager, security and some of the people that work at the airport. We made our way to the private jet with our luggage. We had heaps but that's because we're going to be there for a month and maybe longer so I packed almost all of Lilly and I's wardrobe. That's a lot of clothes mind you. We packed extra because my manager said I've been offered a contract for season 4 of The Voice Australia, so while I do touring I might also be on the voice again for the third time but in Australia rather than the UK.

We got on the plane after signing a few autographs as always. After signing autographs for about half an hour we had to get on the plane and head to Australia. I can't wait to get to Australia to see who the other coaches are before signing the contract to be a coach on the voice. I love working with the contestants and helping them reach their dream of making it big. But I'm also excited to do some more shows. Lilly fell asleep about half way through the trip but I stayed awake and played candy crush on my iPad for a bit before I ran out of lives. So I tried to wake up Holly because she's been asleep since we got on the plane pretty much. "Holly, Holly wake up," I say to Holly shaking her shoulder gently. "What? Did the plane land?" Holly asked still half asleep. "No," I replied. "Well did it crash?" She then asked. "No," I replied. "Well then why did you wake me up?" Holly asked, she clearly likes sleeping. "Because I'm bored," I reply. "Play candy crush or something," Holly suggests. "I've for no lives," I whine. Just as I say that Holly hands me her iPad. "Here I've got unlimited lives for the next six hours," Holly says before going back to sleep. "Thanks Hols," I say before going back into the land of candy crush.

We finally land and I wake up Lilly and Holly. "Lilly, Holly we're here!" I say shaking them both. "Are you serious Jess?" Holly and Lilly ask in sync. "Yes girls, I'm one hundred percent serious," I say before getting up, pulling the girls with me. We got off the plane and grabbed our luggage, we had a lot. Then we grabbed something the eat before heading to the exit at the back of the airport. We made our way to the exit with security, my manager and a few fans trailing behind us. We made our way out of the airport signing a few autographs on the way. Lilly, Holly and I got in the black car that my manager had got for us to get to the hotel without being papped.

The almost hour trip to the hotel we were staying at had finally come to an end, before being papped once again. I signed some things and took a few selfies with the fans and sang a song or two before heading to my hotel room to get ready to meet the coaches for the voice. I was really excited to be honest. I did my makeup and waited for Alisha my hair stylist to come and do my hair. While I waited I warned Lilly that Alisha may be a bit jealous of her and I explained why, not that I really wanted to bring those memories back. Just as I finished explaining everything Alisha walked in. "Hey Jess! What do you want me to do with your hair today?" Alisha asked while eyeing Lilly. "Just curled today thanks," I reply before sitting at the dressing table again. And as she started, she started asking questions about Lilly. "Well for starters Alisha, you fucked up what we had and 'she' is my girlfriend," I snapped. "Woah, woah woah Jess, calm down," Alisha says turning the curling iron off. "Calm down Alisha? Calm the fuck down? I'm sorry you start being rude and sassy at me and flirty and your telling me to calm down?!" I snap again before getting up and heading next door to go see Holly and Lilly. Lilly went next door when Alisha started doing my hair because I knew that Alisha would try to ruin everything as per usual. I walked into Holly's room and saw Holly doing Lilly's hair and makeup. "If I knew you could do people's hair Holly, I would've fired Alisha ages ago, speaking of which I think I'll talk to my manager about that," I say in one breath. "Why?" Holly asks. "Because she was flirting with me the whole time she did my hair and she was flying random insults at Lilly for no reason, jealous bitch!" I say also in one breath. "Woah yeah talk to your manager about that," Holly replies. And then we left for the voice studios to sign the contact.

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