Chapter 1

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I flew back to my village as soon as possible, dragging Alizebith along with me.

"Kalia! You disobeyed your Magic. It'll leave." As she said that, my flying faltered and we dipped toward the ground. I threw her up, rolled safely to the ground, and caught her. I ran to our cottage in the far corner of the village.

"You had to go to the gardeli, didn't you Alizebith? You were almost killed. That's worth my Magic."

"But- but our village. It looks to you."

"Then, maybe you shouldn't disobey me and my Magic!" The words had already started to feel wrong. We reached our small cottage and I set Alizebith on her bed in her room. "You will stay here! Do you understand?"

Alizebith nodded meekly with a sad, "I'm sorry, Kalia." I left without another word.

I walked quickly to the Stream. It was where all young faeries got their magic. Yes, I am the Westbury Faerie, but I didn't think I would be for long.

When I was a young sprout, I was slow. In tag, I was the first one tagged and couldn't catch anyone. Every seed sprouts on the first day of April. Each year, all of the sprouts that turn twelve go down to the Stream to find their Magic. Magic is the spirit and the talent that lives within us all and makes us Fae. I've heard stories of faeries who disobeyed their Magic. Some say they turn into flowers, and some say they grow into humans. I believe it depends on the Magic, and in my story you'll learn why.

Anyway, when it was my year's turn at the Stream, most kids got chosen quickly. There is something else you must understand before I continue: Each generation, there is someone who is chosen to be The Faerie of that generation. There is also The Westbury Faerie, the most powerful faerie of all. I waited at the Stream for three months; so long that my feet started to root toward the ground. One day, something huge leaped out of the water. It was humongous. It's black color was streaked with purple and had specks of yellow and gold, making it look like the entire Universe. I had seen Magic as it chose the children around me, but none were so big and commanding. Magic's appearance usually matched their personality- Except for the Westbury Magic. Westbury Magic's appearance shows it's power, and I could tell that this was the Westbury Magic.

The Magic dove into me. I felt this surge of power as I grew three inches and quickly slimmed with curves.

I have only three rules, the Magic told me in a powerful female voice. One, If I tell you something, you have to do it. Two, you can not harm others unnecessarily.

"What's the third?"

You know the rules. It's basically the same, if you kill, you will turn evil. Since I cannot let this much power be used in the wrong way, I will leave.

"I didn't know Magic could leave."

Well, it can! she snapped. And from now on, you will not call me your Magic or anything of the sort. I am Sekate, and you will respect that.

"Of course, Sekate. But may I ask, why did you choose me?"

... I can sense it.

"Sense what?"

You're potential for greatness, for change.

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