Chapter 5

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"Sekate! We could really use your help right now!" I screamed, sending one dark faerie tumbling over my shoulder to the far floor below. I looked to my left where Olenis was just in time to 'blow a bubble' at a faerie who almost got to him. Then, I blew a bubble at Alizebith, Dr. Beck, and Willow. They were trapped, but safe.

Just a second!

"I don't really have a second!" I said, temping an entire row so hard that they fell to the floor, shivering and ripping at their thin clothing at the same time. I sagged in the air, that took a surprising amount of energy.

You are going to have to stop time to get out of this.

"WHAT?!" I yelled so loudly that three faeries near me froze, giving me the opportunity to bubble them.

I just need more Magic. Some of the trapped Magic is helping, but it might not be enough.

"It has to!" I built an ice wall between Olenis and me and the dark faeries. I braced against it as they used more Magic to try and melt it.

You are powerful, but this much Magic taken could kill you.

"DO. IT!"

Okay, she replied sadly. I hope this works. First, put Relder and Olenis in a bubble.

I quickly bubbled Olenis- which he was not happy about- but couldn't find Relder. "Where is he?!"

Search with your mind!!!

My mind, I thought. I closed my eyes and let the ice wall fall. I quickly found Relder and imagined myself putting a protective shield around him. More dark Fae swarmed around me. I made a 'pass pike', a stick that made anyone except the wielder pass out with a touch, and swung it expertly around, hitting every faerie in sight. I threw my pike, and it bounced off of six faeries before someone shot it down with magic.

"Someone get her!" Lilyith growled from behind Relder and out of the fray.

"Afraid to fight me yourself?" I challenged, temping three more Fae to the ground. Lilyith didn't respond.

Okay, you need to imagine me as a being, like when we first met. Spread me thick over all of the other Fae. Your friends will be protected. I will drag along the Magic I collected.

I nodded and bubbled Lauren before doing as instructed. I felt as though my very being was being pulled apart. I gritted my teeth as everyone around me slowly froze. I tried to hold on, but with every passing second the effort I poured into the act doubled...

What? I didn't cut this chapter in half so that I could have six chapters for a contest! Yes I did, and you know it. Thanks for reading! Luv ya! Buh-Bye! :D <# :D <#

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