Chapter 6

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I toughed it out and clenched my fists to get a better grip. Once time had stopped, it got a little easier. I quickly went around and bubbled every dark faerie there was. Once that was over, I unfroze time, released my friends, and dropped to the floor in exhaustion.

Everyone except Alizebith- she was still passed out- ran or soared up to me.

"I win," I said roughly. Olenis scooped me into his arms.

"Yes you did," he replied gently.

"Listen, I- I-" Relder started.

"It's okay, Relder. Everyone makes mistakes and I would have done the same thing if it was one of my siblings."

"Thank you."

Tell Lauren to come find the Stream. I relayed the message to Lauren.

"I'm guessing that message came from Sekate?" I nodded. She nodded, too.

"Dr. Beck, Willow, I leave these faeries to you. Here," I quickly, and painfully, made a staff with a point on one side and a circle on the other and a special leaf. "This will pop and make bubbles for them and this will contact me."

"That's it? You're leaving?" Willow asked, Dr. Beck trying to silence her.

I smiled. "We'll see each other again. Come on guys, let's go home."

The four of us went home explaining things to the newly awoken Alizebith. There, we recharged and told the village. Two months later, Lauren came in from the Stream, back to being normal Faerie. So far, things are going pretty well. I just hope that sticks...

Hey guys!!! Thank you for reading my story. Please vote and comment if you would like a sequel!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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