Chapter 3

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First thing's first. You must find Relder. I will teach you a skill to find him quickly and help you in battle. First-

"Battle?" I asked, pausing midair. "I thought I couldn't harm others."

Defense is different, and sometimes the best defense is offense.

"As long as you don't leave," I sighed.

Not this time, Sekate said. Not ever again. Anyway, what you need to do is spread out your consciousness. Imagine every faerie in this village. Picture it.

I closed my eyes and did as she was told. I saw Alizebith's mind in her room and countless others. I gasped. The whole village was lit in little lights that were Fae mind. Some of them I had never met, but I could already tell general facts about them.

"It's beautiful," I breathed.

I know. You are looking for a solitary man named-

"Relder. I found him." I zoomed toward the edge of the village. I landed on his stony porch and knocked. Three minutes later- alone in the dark- the door was yanked open for a split second before getting slammed in my face. Locks clicked.

"Go away!"

Remember our disappearing act? Sekate asked mischievously.

"Oh yeah!" I put my hands out and swirled them in toward my body.

The door slowly faded out of sight. Relder stumbled forward. He glared then spat at my feet. "The last Westbury Faerie was better." His brown eyes looked black as he loomed over me. "What do you want?"

"I want to help. I'm going to find Lauren and someone who can help us. I figured you would want to be there."

His eyes warmed with hope. "R- really? You're gonna find Wren?"


First we need to find Dr. Beck, Sekate reminded me. I relayed the message along with a short explanation about just what had happened as we leaped into the sky together.

"So we're going to this Dr. Beck's house?"

"Yep." We flew in silence. By the time the Sun rose, we were hidden in Dr. Beck's gardeli. I flipped to my back as Relder looked for a place to rest. I closed my eyes but immediately did a double take.

"Olenis!" I shrieked, flying right up to my older brother. My eyes widened when I saw what, or rather who, was sleeping peacefully in his arms. "And you brought Alizebith?!"

He straightened. "You may be the Westbury Faerie, Kal, but I'm your older brother, and as the oldest, it is my job to protect you two. So imagine how I felt when I visited home in time to see my youngest sister home alone and try to catch up with my other sister who is supposed to be watching her!"

"Sorry, but this had to be done!"

"Kalia!" Relder called.

"Coming!" I replied with a growl. I did a back-flip and spun onto my stomach before launching after his voice, Olenis close behind.

As soon as Relder saw them, he jumped into a defensive stance but said, "Your siblings?"

"How could you tell?"

"Same honey brown hair, tan, and blue eyes with the yellow ring thingy," Relder said, laying back down. Olenis and I both touched our eyelids self-consciously.

"What are you doing?"

"What's it look like I'm doing? I'm taking a nap."

"Yeah," Olenis agreed with a yawn. "I'm pretty tired, too."

"Fine," I growled. "But I'm waking you up in thirty."

As they rested, Sekate taught me more and more things to do with my magic. Exactly thirty minutes later, I used a new trick called 'temping' to wake them up. I made them freezing, then burn up. They woke with a start.

"What was that for?" Olenis whined. I laughed and held my hands out.

"Give me your hands." They did while I closed my eyes and furrowed my brow. I brought our hands down low and shot them up. We grew into humans, but still had our Magic. I reached down and scooped up Alizebith. She was our proof of Fae. I put her into a very deep sleep and we headed to the front door. Relder knocked three times. About a minute later, a girl opened it.


"Hi." I said, my hands still clasped gently around my sister. "Is Dr. Beck here?"

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