Chapter 2

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I finally reached the Stream. It was Fall, so no saplings were there. I sat down and closed my eyes. As I did so, Sekate's voice filled my head.

Goodbye. You have been a good pet project.

"Sekate, don't go! I had to or they would have killed my little sister!"

You should have thought of something else.

"Please, Sekate!" I was crying now. "I need you, you've become my best friend!"

... I... You must work to keep me. First, let me tell you a little story...

Lauren soared leisurely through the city streets.

"Lauren!" Lauren laughed as she landed by her best friend, Relder.

"Something wrong, Relder?"

He grinned. "Not anymore." He pulled her in for a hug.

"Whoa, sentimental. Something's got to be off."

"Oh nothing... I was just wondering..." He put his hand behind his back and a flash of yellow appeared and gold smoke drifted from behind him. He brought forth a bouquet of yellow poppies, Lauren's favorite. "Um... if you could meet me at the Stream tonight."

Lauren smiled the biggest smile she had smiled since she first met Relder.

"I would love to, Relder."

That night, they sat and laughed by the Stream all night. Their relationship lasted a year until one tragic evening...

"Come on! Let's go to the gardeli!" Relder shouted with a laugh as he tugged her in the right direction.

"But... It's not allowed," Lauren said hesitantly.

Relder shot her a grin. "Worried?"

Lauren laughed. "You know my abilities are unmatched. But, Sekate..."

"Is she telling you not to?"

Lauren closed her eyes for a moment. "...No..."

"Then you're fine. Let's go!" They flew to the gardeli, it was a human garden in the backyard of someone's house. They landed on the petal of a giant flower and looked up at the stars, just enjoying each others' company.

Suddenly, a large man with big hands came outside. He stumbled backwards until he fell, coming face-to-face with the flower. His eyes flashed with a wicked gleam. His hand shot out, lightning fast. Lauren's reflexes were faster because of her Magic, but the man got a hold of Relder.

"No!" Lauren cried.

"Ooh, now what do we have here? Meh. Either way, I'm gonna make so much money off of you!"

"Please," Lauren flew up to the man's face. "We can make a deal, please."

The man examined her, then he laughed. "What are you going to do?"

I won't let you hurt him, Sekate warned.

"But, I have to," Lauren whispered sadly. Tears started streaming down her face. "We'll trade. Me for him."

"Don't you dare, Lauren! Our village need you! Not me."

"I need you!" Lauren cried. "What do you say?"

"Fine, I'll probably get more money for a female anyway." The man threw Relder.

"I love you Relder!"


Goodbye, Lauren. You know I can't let him have me.

"I know. Goodbye, Sekate."

Just before the man grabbed Laurel, Sekate flew out of her and back to the Stream. Lauren grew into a beautiful human girl wearing a flower dress. The man smiled.

"Well, hello there. My name is Phillip Ripton. And you are?"

"Lauren," she whispered sadly.

"Lauren. From now on, you are Lauren Ripton. Do not talk to anyone about your past and we won't have any problems."

Lauren sighed but nodded.

When he died, I escaped the Stream, Salia explained. I packed a whole bunch of evidence of Fae and sent it to a man named Dr. Beck. I want you to set right my mistakes. You are going to find Dr. Beck, find Lauren, and get Relder. I should have let her attack... but I just couldn't. We need to set it right.

"Of course."

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