Chapter 1 A Fairy Tale

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Children and Parents fanfic

I don't own Fairy Tail


Natsu POV

“Do it again.” I order.

“But I did it almost perfect this time!” My apprentice complains.

“Almost isn't perfect. Again!”

“Fire Dragon's Roar!”


She readies her stance but I hold up a hand, pausing her. I sniff the air again.

“Someone's coming.”

“Who would come here? We're miles from the nearest town.”

“Let's wait and find out.” I say as I take a seat on the ground. She soon joins me.

Two figures make their way up the hill. My apprentice sits up straighter.

“Is that….what are they doing here?” I hear her whisper.

“Nashi!” One of the figures call out. They are two siblings. One boy and one girl. Both with dark blue hair and blue eyes.

My apprentice waves at them.

“You have to come home.” The boy says. “Fe has ran away!”

“Ran away?” Nashi asked. “Makarov, why would Fe run away?”

“Nashi, who are these?” I ask.

“My friends, from Fairy Tail.” She replies. "I need to go to her, to Fe.” Nashi says. “May I?”

“Your training is not done.” I say.

“I know but it's really important.” Nashi begs.

I nod slowly and she runs into the small cottage to pack her bags. The visitors follow her in to help. I stay behind already knowing that a hole in my heart was opening beside the ones left by Happy and Lucy. In the years since Nashi had become my apprentice I had grown attached to her.


I was battling a mage from a dark guild. It wasn't too difficult. I had fought much harder people. The mage launched a spell at me and the beam of light almost hit me before a flash a blue flew into its path.


I knock out the mage and run to my little buddy. Happy let's out a gasping breath.

“Natsu…” he whispers.

Lucy runs up and kneels down beside the blue cat. Happy stops moving. Lucy put her fingers on his neck to feel a pulse and waited. Waited. Waited. Lucy pulled her hand away and broke down into tears. I couldn't believe Happy was dead. Not the best cat at Luce and I's wedding. Now he was gone.

End flashback


“Luce I have to go.”

“But I'll be all alone.”

“I'll be back. The job will only take me a year.”

“Just….make sure you come home safely.”

“I will.”

End flashback


I had been away much longer than I had planned. It had been a year and a half. But finally the job was finished.

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