Chapter 5 Capture the Flag

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Laki POV

“Let's fight!”Natsu yelled.

“Let's go play capture the flag!” Nashi yells. “I've been itching for some kind of competition.”

“That could be fun.” Mira said. “Perhaps we should split up into two teams.”

“How about we let all the people from the future onto one team against the rest of us.” Gray suggested.

“We'll take you down!” Makarov Jr called out.

We all file into the forest draw the border between the two team’s sides. Then everyone decided on what would be the teams.

The kids from the future ran off to hide their flag.

“I'm all fired up!” Natsu cried. Unknown to everyone the kids from the future were saying the same thing.

We all walked to where we wanted to hide our flag.

“Natsu, Gray, Wijteer, Laki, Wakaba, Macao, and I will be offense. Everyone else be defense!” Erza declared.

We sent up a flare that mentioned we were ready for the game to begin. We watched as the flare for the other team was spotted. We rushed off to begin the game.


Gray POV

I should be approaching the spot where the flare was sent out any moment now.

I step into a clearing and my eyes open wide. A giant snow fort the size of the guild stood before me surrounded by a moat that had not been there before. On top of the fort was the flag and the other team’s defense. There defense was made of Silver, Mika, Ultear, Makarov, Lyon, and Nashi.

“We're going to win this one!” Ultear called down to him.

I spot Natsu step into the clearing to the left of me. Happy flies him to the top only to be pushed out of the sky by Nashi using fire coming out of her feet to make herself fly. She landed next to him and shot a ball of fire at Natsu. Naturally Natsu ate it right up.

“That fore was the best tasting fire I've ever tasted!” Natsu said before preparing himself for a spell. “Fire Dragon's Roar!”

Nashi holds her ground. The fire inches closer and close but she doesn't dodge. The fire encompasses her. A slurping sound came from inside the fire before the fire got slurped into her mouth.

“Fire Dragon's Roar!” Nashi calls turning away from Natsu and blasting me.

The world goes black.


Erza POV

I step into the clearing and watch as Gray falls to the ground unconscious. A path of ash stretching from him to... Nashi. A giant ball of ice appears over Natsu and lands on him knocking him out. Silver gets high fives by Lyon.

“Re-quip! Heaven's Wheel Armor!” I fly up to the ice- maker mages and water mages and battle commences.

“Re-quip! Sea Empress Armor!” I attack Makarov and Ultear. I hear battle behind me telling me that the other offense of my team has arrived. I knock out Ultear. Nashi appears next to me. Her fist aflame.

“Re-quip! Flame Empress Armor!”

“Ice-make: Diamond Cage!” Mika calls out and my body freezes. I look down and see that  a giant ball of ice encompassed me making me unable to fight.

“I wonder how our defense is doing.” Laki muttered from inside a cage of ice.


Cana POV

We all stood in a circle around our flag waiting for the other team to show up. Movement is seen to my left.

“Over there!” I say pointing.

Fe and Sylph charge us from the east.  Elfman charges Fe and Sylph. He lunges to punch Fe but she stops his fist. Her feet slid across the grass as she tried to keep her balance. Her skin was covered in some sort of metal. Elfman kicked out at Sylph who dodged by flying into the air. His foot went through where she was and he lost his balance. Fe used this to her advantage.

“Iron Dragon's Iron Fist!” Fe called as she knocked Elfman out.

I charge at Sylph. Beside her a bunny rabbit turns into a bear that swings its fist at me. I dodge. Reedus drew a boat and sent it hurtling towards me.

“Reedus! We're on the same team!” I spotted Anna standing behind Reedus using her seith magic to control him.

“Fairy Machine Gun! Leprechaun!” Sylph cries and I get blasted off my feet I crash into a tree. I retreat over to the flag only to realize that the flag wasn't there anymore. Another flare gets shot into the air announcing the end of the game. The flare lit up the late evening sky.

Those still conscious, meaning the kids from the future and I drag the unconscious back to the guild where Violet was displaying the flag they had captured.

“So... just out of curiosity,” Mirajane starts. “What is the most common last name in the the future where you're at?”

Fe tilted her head to the side as she thought about it. “It would have to be Fullbuster." Fe paused before turning back to Mirajane. “Why do you want to know anyways?”

“Oh, no reason.” Mirajane says. “Do any of you have a place to sleep for the night?”

“I never really thought about that” Sylph says.

“That's okay.” Mirajane says. “But since you won't be here tomorrow, I guess you can sleep in the guild.”

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