Chapter 4 Relatives

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Wakaba POV

“I'm guessing all of the ice maker magic mages and water mages are related.” Mira said as she brought their drinks over.

“That's a lot of kids to all be siblings! Their parents must have been busy.” I say.

“Also Sylph acts like Erza while Violet likes strawberry cake. Perhaps they are sisters?” Mira says.

“I can see Violet. After all Erza is named Scarlet and has scarlet hair. Violet is named Violet and has violet hair. But Sylph doesn't look like Erza at all.” Macao said.

“Now that you mention it Sylph looks more like Evergreen.” I say. “Also they both use fairy magic.”

“But who are the father's?” Mira squealed.

“Gray your clothes!” Cana called out.

“Makarov, Lyon, Silver, Ultear, your clothes!” Fe called out.

“Crap! When did that happen?” Gray, Storm, Icicle, Tide, and Sleet all say together.

“Fe!” Sleet and Icicle yell. “You didn't use our code names.”

“Oh no! I'm so sorry!” Fe calls out.

Gray paled. “Silver, Ultear, Makarov, and Lyon? Who named you?”

Icicle gulped. “You did.”

“I think I just figured out one of the fathers!” Mira squealed.


Levy POV

So they are from the future. It's not too hard to believe. There are spells that can send you back in time until the spell runs out.

“How long will the spell that sent you back last?” I ask Sylph.

“12 hours.” She responds.

Then I spot the book Fe is reading.

“That's one of my favorite books!”

“Mine too!” Fe gushed. “I just love how it makes you think alongside the main character!”

“Yes! The characters are so clever and witty too!”

“I know right?!? Especially the grandmother. She's so wise!”

“Who recommend the book to you?”

“Y-you did.”

“Oh, well, I must be really awesome in the future.”

“Don't worry, you are.”

“You wanna fight!” Natsu yells at Gray.

“Yeah I do!” Gray retorts.

“Me too!” Nashi cries.

“Nashi, you are not to join in on the fight.” Sylph tells her.

Nashi grumbles and takes a seat. "Why can't I fight too?” Nashi asks Sylph.

“Because then you would be tempted to use your magic.” Sylph replies.

So Nashi’s father is in the guild and she can't show her magic or his identity would be revealed. So he must have a rare magic. That narrows it down to... Bickslow, no she doesn't have the mark on her face. Anna does though. Nab….no he’s too lazy to have a kid as energetic as Nashi. Of course she could get that from her mom. Natsu….she doesn't look like Natsu but it's possible.

“Aunt Mira can I have a milkshake?” Jane asks.

I pause and look at the girl. Is Mira really her aunt or does she just call everyone in the guild that?

“Aunt?” Mira stutters.

“Can you order me one too Jane?” Anna asks.

“Sure thing sis.” Jane responds.

“Sis?” Mira asks hesitantly.

“Yeah we're sisters. Can't you see the resemblance?” Jane asks.

“Nope.” Cana declares. “Well maybe a little. You both have the same eyes. The same as Mira here.”

“Their eyes are manly!” Sylph defends them.

“I agree!” Elfman roars. “The manliness!”

“Thanks Sylph and uncle Elfman.” Ava smiles. “But I don't think eyes are supposed to be manly.”

“Being called uncle is manly!” Elfman roars.

“I guess you have a point, cousin.” Sylph says. “How about you guys have beautiful eyes? Is that better?”

“Yup!” Anna responds.


Laxus POV

Ever since the newcomers arrived I have been observing them from the top floor. I don't trust them. That Sylph girl is a strange combination of Erza, Elfman, and Evergreen. Not to mention Sylph’s supposed cousins are like polite versions of Bickslow but with lighter coloring. Silver, Mika, Makarov Jr., Ur, and Lyon are all obviously Gray's children as all of them have stripping habits. Seriously all have them have stripped at least once. Luckily Mika and Ultear had a layer of clothes underneath and didn't seem to have as bad as a habit. Fe likes books almost as much as Levy but likes to argue with people. The girl Violet is the future child of Mystogan’s counterpart. Whatever that means. I guess I can figure it out now that I saw his face while he was talking to Violet when everyone was still asleep. This is all getting too much for me.

“Freed, Bickslow, Evergreen, we're going on a mission.” I call down to them.


Droy POV

Fe is like a scary version of Levy. With the piercings and black hair. But she has Levy’s eyes and height. Could she be Levy's future child? No she can't be. Then the father would have to have black hair. So it would either be Gray, Nab,  or….me. I smile and hope that it is me. Even if my child becomes rebellious and gets piercings. But why couldn't she show her magic? Plant magic and solid script magic are not that uncommon. In fact they are rather common. Especially compared to rarer magics like fairy magic and heavenly body magic, which were mentioned so it would have to be more rare than those.


Loke POV

“Fighting is manly!” Elfman roared as the usual guild brawl broke out.

“Fighting is not manly if it's your guildmates!” Sylph shouted as she knocked Elfman out.

Sylph grabbed the ears of Gray and Natsu before banging their heads together.

Erza nodded approvingly. “Now that's how you end a brawl.”

“That's our Fairy Princess for you.” Ultear said.

“Fairy Princess?” Master Makarov asked.

“Yeah. Erza is the Fairy Queen but Sylph is our Fairy Princess.” Silver explains.

“What was that for?” Natsu roared as he gained his balance.

Natsu grabbed a chair and threw it at Sylph. Sylph ducked and the chair crashed into Jane. Tears welled up in her eyes.

“Hey! Look at what you just did!” Fe yelled. “You made Jane cry!” Fe smacked Natsu with her bag and sent Natsu flying across the room. Natsu landed unconscious.

“What do you have in that bag?” Gray asked.

“Just some books and a couple of blocks of Iron.”

“Books and Iron?” Jet asked.

“Fe what have I said about knocking your guildmates unconscious?” Sylph says.

Fe hung her head.

“I'm just surprised that a little attack like that knocked him out.” Nashi says.

“A little attack like that?” Wakaba asks his mouth wide open.

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