Chapter 2 The Reunion

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Ultear POV

"I'M BACK!" Makarov yelled as he pushed the door to the guild open. "And look who I brought with me!"

I move out of the way so they can see Nashi and Fe.

"Fe!" Gajeel and Levy shout. Fe's younger twin siblings squeal and run up to her.

"Nashi!" Everyone else shouts.

Nashi and Fe get pulled into the chaos of the guild.

"Good job." Mom says to my brother and I as we are towards her.

"Is dad around?" I ask her. "No he's on a mission with your oldest brother." I sigh. Of course dad and Silver would be away by the time we got back.

I walk over to Cana.

" I don't think Nashi ever told Natsu that she was his daughter." I tell her.


Cana POV

I drag Nashi over.

"So I heard that you didn't tell Natsu you are his daughter."

"I know. I just couldn't bring myself to do it."

I sigh. "I know how hard it is kiddo. Trust me. But you have tell him. The sooner you do it the better."

"He's more cold than what he was like in all of your stories."

"Of course he is! He lost Happy, and then your mom. Also he doesn't know what he has. He doesn't know he has a daughter."

"What if..."

"No. No matter what, I know that Natsu will accept you. He wouldn't have agreed to train you if he didn't like you."

"Maybe I will tell him some day. But I just can't right now."

She walks away. Someone was going to have to tell him. It was for the best.


Levy POV

"We already told you no!" Gajeel said. "It's too far away from home and too dangerous."

"But it's my dream."

"She's not going to be alone either." Nashi puts in. "I'm coming with her."

"Well I guess then-" a I start to say.

"Levy, don't side with them." Gajeel practically begs.

"But if they are both going I think it will be safe enough." I argue back.

Gajeel sighs. "Fine. But only if Lily goes with them."

"I will be happy to go with them" Pantherlily replies.

"Lily! You were supposed to say no!" Gajeel shouts.

"Well I think Fe should try to fulfill her dream. After all everyone in the guild supported Nashi fulfilling her dream of learning fire dragon slayer magic from Natsu."

" safe." I tell Fe.

"Is Fe going to leave for forever?" A small voice asks from my lap.

"No." I sigh. "Your big sis will visit."


"Of course she will." Gajeel huff's in response.


Natsu POV

I turned the letter over in my hand. It had the Fairy Tail emblem on it. Which meant that normally I would have burnt it. Except that this time it might have been from Nashi. Hesitantly I open the letter.

Dear Natsu,

It's me Cana. Long time no see. Literally. It's been like what? 16 years? Well, anyways, sorry about your loss. I loved Lucy too. She helped me find the courage to tell Gildarts that I was his daughter. I writing to you for a similar reason. So let's just get to the point. After you left on that mission of yours Lucy found out she was pregnant. She wanted to surprise you so we all kept it a secret. But then your mission was prolonged and she gave birth. Then of course, Lucy died not too long afterwards. After we told you about Lucy's death we tried to tell you that you were a father. But apparently you never read them. Basically Nashi is your daughter. Surprise!

Sincerely, your friend, Cana

I sit in shock. I was a father? Nashi was my daughter? Well no wonder she looked so much like Luce. But why didn't she ever tell me?


Gray POV

I was sitting at the bar after coming back from my mission and enjoying the peace and quiet of the guild. Then I realized that peace and quiet was not possible in this guild. I looked around for my children, especially the ones who normally were the most destructive. I didn't see them. Now I was definitely suspicious.

"Mira." I call out. "Where are my kids?"

Mira looks around. "I'm not entirely sure."

Now I'm starting to panic. "Well help me find them before my wife finds out they are missing!"

"Gray-sama!" Juvia enters the guild.

"Crap!" There was no way Juvia would not realize that her children are missing.

Juvia looks around. "Why are there no children in the guild?"

I look around relieved that my children were not the only ones missing.

"They are throwing Fe and Nashi a goodbye party." Wendy said.

I sigh in relief. Then I realized that we were in trouble.

"You do remember that their idea of throwing a party is messing with magic they don't understand right?" Cana points out.

All at once everyone in the guild starts panicking.


Sylph POV

"Are you sure we should do this?" I ask.

"What is our Fairy Princess scared?" Makarov taunts. Silver ruffled my hair.

"No I just think that it isn't very manly to sneak behind our parent's back." I reply while I glare at the two dark blue haired, blue eyed brothers.

"So what does the spell do again?" Mika asked also glaring at her brothers.

"It will send us to a day in the past." Fe replies excitedly.

"Why would we want to do that?" Jane asked.

"Because it would be exiting!" Jane's older sister Anna said.

"Yeah." Ultear agrees.

"What time will we go back to?" Lyon asked his older siblings.

"I'm not sure it matters." Ultear responds to her brother.

"But we should all agree on a time." Silver says.

"How about a time when our parents were our age?" I offer.

"At our age they were too busy fighting dark guilds and such." Fe says.

"Well there is the time before they started getting dragged into those things." I say.

"Oh yeah, I guess before Lucy joined would be a good time to visit." Mika says.

"I'm okay with that." Nashi says.

"Then it's decided. A time when our parents were around our ages but before Lucy joined." Ultear says.

"Of course we can't tell them anything about their futures." Silver says.

"Oh but that's half the fun." Anna complained.

"A month before Lucy joined should suffice." Fe says.

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