Chapter 11

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I rang the door bell and looked over my outfit. I wore a short dress with heels and a clutch. I ran my fingers through my hair as I heard a noise coming from inside the house.

Shortly, Chris opened the door. "You look beautiful." 

He wore a collared button down shirt with jeans and white sneakers. "You look nice as well." I complimented him.

"Come inside." He grabbed my hand and kissed it before leading me into his home.

Similar to Drake's, Chris' mansion was also beautiful. I was able to admire the beautiful furniture and appliances as he led me past his living room, through his kitchen, and up the stairs.

"Where are we going?"

When we got to the top of the stairs, he turned around. "'s a surprise," He laughed.

We went past a long hallway that led to an open room furnished with a large white couch and a huge flat screen TV. On one wall, there was two double doors that led to a balcony outside. He opened one of the double doors and told me to walk outside. I did as told and he followed. 

On the balcony, there was a table on which sat two candles and champagne flukes. He pulled my chair out for me to sit and then he sat down himself.

I took in everything when I sat down. "This is nice."

He laughed a little. "I try." He clapped his hands and a waiter came out with two covered plates of food. He placed a plate in front of Chris and me before uncovering them both.

We ate and chatted. "So why'd you have all this set up at your house when we could have gone to a restaurant?"

"It's hard to enjoy moments like these in public; either paparazzi or fans interrupt. I love my fans, but sometimes I just want some alone time. You know?"

"Yeah." I replied.

Once we were done eating, Chris filled our champagne glasses. "Toast to us meeting each other and enjoying this date."

I laughed. "Cheers."

After that mini dinner, Chris led me downstairs to his home theater. We watched "Don't Be A Menace In South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood," "Friday," and "Friday After Next."

During the movies, we laughed and cuddled. I ended up falling asleep on the final movie.


The next morning, I woke up in Chris' guest room. I figured that Chris thought it was too late for me to drive home alone. I had on one of Chris' T-shirts, which fit like a dress on me. It was 10:30 AM and I figured that Chris was still asleep since it was so quiet. I got out of bed and walked out my room and into Chris' bedroom. He was laying in bed, fast asleep like I had expected.

I walked out of his room silently and went into the kitchen. I was greeted by Chris' maid.

"Hi," I greeted her.

She turned to me and smiled. "Hello, would you like breakfast?"

"Sure, but before that can you please tell me where the bath cloths are?"

She showed me a closet. "In here."

I grabbed a cloth and quickly went to my car. I always leave extra clothes inside for times like this.

When I got back inside, I showered and got dressed.

By time I finished, breakfast was ready and Chris had woke up and showered also.

"Good morning beautiful," Chris kissed me on the cheek and sat down in front of the kitchen table. I sat across from him.

He made his plate, and I made mine.

"How'd you sleep?" He said before taking a bite of his bacon.

"Great, what about you?" I said pouring syrup on my pancakes.

"Like a baby," He replied.

It was silent for a couple of minutes.

"What are we gonna do today?" Chris asked.

"Let me check my schedule," I answered pulling out my phone. Drake had texted me:

Meet me at the studio by 2; I want to finish this song.

"Sorry Chris, I can't chill today. I have to work on a song."

"Song? I thought you only danced."

"I can sing a little bit too. According to some people," I replied continuing to eat.

"Who? I wanna be the judge of that," Chris replied.

"What do you want me to sing?" I asked, avoiding the first question.

"One of my songs," He smirked.

"Only if you sing it with me," I replied smirking as well.

He began to sing. " I think I better let her go, 'cuz I can't leave you alone. Everyday that I'm with her, all I want is you. I wanna leave but I'm afraid, that you don't even feel the same. But now I realize that she ain't you,"

I sang the girl's part after that and we sang the rest together.

"Wow, your voice sounds just as beautiful as you are," Chris smiled.

I laughed. "That was so corny."

"I love you too."

After we finished eating, we went our separate ways. He said he would text me, and I drove straight to the studio. I was already 15 minutes late.

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