Chapter 20

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2 weeks later


Drake and I were in the living room watching a movie when I felt a liquid drip down my leg. I looked down confused, but could not react when I felt an excruciating pain coming from my vagina. I'm having contractions!

"Oh my god, Drake! I'm in labor!" I exclaimed before pushing Drake's arm and screaming in pain.

Drake quickly looked over at me and jumped out of the chair.

"Okay," Drake panicked.

"Drake! Get the bag of clothes I packed and the car seat." I said as I tried to breathe deeply in and out.

Drake rushed upstairs and did as I was told, and in a couple minutes he was rushing me out the door.


It got to the media fast that I was in labor. From my hospital bed, I could see the crowds of reporters standing in the parking lot waiting to hear news of the baby. Drake stood by my side the entire time, and Jaycee, Michael, and Chris were on their way.

"You know you don't have to be here if you don't want to, right?" I informed Drake. I knew he had already made plans for today.

"Of course I'm going to be here for you, Dani." Drake held my hand.

I winced in pain since the contractions were coming back. 

"Breath, Dan. You got this." Drake tried to calm me down.


Once I found out that Dani was in labor, guilt began to take over my entire body. I shouldn't have went off on her like that. I shouldn't have jumped up and left. I shouldn't have ran away like a coward. Now she's in labor, about to deliver a baby that may or may not be mine. What if the baby is mine? I would miss out on the birth of my own child.

These thoughts ran through my mind until I got off the plane, back in Los Angeles. I hurried to the hospital that Dani was in, and raced to her door. I had made it just in time, she was about to start pushing. Standing next to Dani, on the side of the bed furthest from the door was Drake. I gave him a nod and stood on the side of the bed closest to the door.

Once the baby was delivered, the doctor announced that it was a girl. Danielle named her Tamara Janine Brooks. She decided that she would change the last name once she knew who the father was.

Neither Drake or I had said much once Dani had the baby. We just decided to let her rest. Drake walked out first. Before I could leave, Dani called me back.

"Wait, Chris."

"Yeah?" I turned around to face her.

"How long are you staying?"

"I guess until the results of the DNA test come back."

"Oh, okay."

Silence fell. I took that as she was done talking. I turned around and walked out.


Once Drake and Chris left, I knew this was my time to rest. But I couldn't no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't stop thinking about my future. If the baby was Chris', what would happen? If the baby was Drake's, what would happen? How would my relationship with whoever baby it's not be affected?

I was afraid of the answers to those questions. I knew I shouldn't stress, but it was inevitable.

Luckily, though, Jaycee and Michael visited me in the hospital. They each bought gifts for the baby, Jaycee bought some outfits for the baby and Michael had a plush toy. I hugged them both and thanked them for the gift.

"I bought AJ a gift too, but it's at my house. Where is he anyways?" I asked.

"At Honey's house. She and Wayne wanted to see him. They wanna see TJ too," Jaycee smiled. She already came up with a nickname.

I laughed. "Okay."

Soon, Jaycee and Michael left. I fell asleep almost instantly.

2 days later

"Okay, we've ran our final tests on you and the baby and you're both ready to go. Let me just get your prescriptions and then you can leave," the doctor informed me.

"Okay," I said putting on my clothes. Chris was taking me home.

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